Tag Archives: success

Obama-Care Is A Big Success

OK it is settled, Obama-Care is a big success, at least that is what the President has told us and if he tells us it is so, it must be, because Obama would never lie to the American people. There is something I do not understand, there are supposedly about three-hundred- fifteen million people…
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Obama-Care Is A Big Success

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In campaign mode, Obama touts wages and Obamacare success

By Jeff Mason
ANN ARBOR, Michigan Wed Apr 2, 2014 8:42pm EDT

1 of 3. U.S. President Barack Obama addresses students at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan, April 2, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Larry Downing

ANN ARBOR, Michigan (Reuters) – President Barack…
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In campaign mode, Obama touts wages and Obamacare success

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[272] Direct Democracy Success, Top Five Obama Failures, Media Cracks Out on Toronto Mayor

Abby Martin Breaks the Set on Ballot Initiatives that Rock, Lowlights of Obama Presidency, Canadian Crack Distraction, Traffic Stop Anal Nightmare, Death of …

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[272] Direct Democracy Success, Top Five Obama Failures, Media Cracks Out on Toronto Mayor

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ObamaCare is a success, if you just ignore everything wrong with it

Everyone would like their work to be judged solely on its merits, without a single mention of its flaws.  Politicians make this desire into an art form.  ObamaCare turns it into an outright psychosis.
How else to explain a beaming President Obama taking a victory lap over supposedly reaching 7 …
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ObamaCare is a success, if you just ignore everything wrong with it

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Boxer: Obamacare ‘Is a Huge Success’

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) (AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) – “Never in my lifetime have I seen a law that is helping so many people be so vilified,” Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) told a conference call on Friday.
She talked about the millions of people in her state who are…
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Boxer: Obamacare ‘Is a Huge Success’

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RELEASE: Upcoming Afghan Election is Critical to Future of Country, Success of U.S. Mission

Press Room » March 2014
March 10, 2014
Contact: Anne ShoupPhone: 202.481.7146Email: ashoup@americanprogress.org
Washington, D.C. – Today, as Afghans prepare to go to the polls in less than one month, the Center for American Progress released a report at an event featuring Sen. Robert P. Casey, …
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RELEASE: Upcoming Afghan Election is Critical to Future of Country, Success of U.S. Mission

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80 Billion Dollar Auto Bailout Produces Yet Another Success

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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80 Billion Dollar Auto Bailout Produces Yet Another Success

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Obama: “We Don’t Resent Success; We Are Thrilled With The Opportunities That America Affords”

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Now, I want to be clear about this because sometimes in our debates with our friends on the other side of the political spectrum, this may not be clear, so let me just repeat it once again, as Americans, we understand that some folks are going to earn more than others. We don’t …
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Obama: “We Don’t Resent Success; We Are Thrilled With The Opportunities That America Affords”

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Asia-Pacific stability depends on success of ASEAN code of conduct -Kerry

JAKARTA (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry increased diplomatic pressure on China on Monday to resolve maritime disputes with Southeast Asia based on international legal principles, rather than through individual deals as Beijing prefers.

Reuters: Top News

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Asia-Pacific stability depends on success of ASEAN code of conduct -Kerry

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Tunisia: A success story?

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Tunisia: A success story?

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