Tag Archives: Bailout

McConnell Prepared to Cut Backroom Deal on IMF Bailout

Yesterday, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed a bill to authorize loan guarantees for Ukraine, similar to the bill that passed the House last week.  The loan guarantee bill doesn’t directly increase spending; rather it adds Ukraine to the list of countries eligible for Economic Su…
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McConnell Prepared to Cut Backroom Deal on IMF Bailout

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IMF Bailout Exposes Schism in Party

If you are looking for an illustration of why we need to replace most of these failed Republican incumbents, look no further than Lindsey Graham’s hot mic comment to John Kerry today.
As I noted earlier, Senate Democrats have attached to the Ukraine bill an IMF bailout that will weaken our p…
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IMF Bailout Exposes Schism in Party

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Fox News perpetuates the ‘insurance company bailout’ lie

Media Matters is being far too kind with Fox News with this headline: “Fox News Still Doesn’t Understand The ACA’s Risk Corridors.” Fox News doesn’t care about understanding anything about Obamacare and providing factual information to its viewers. What Fox News…
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Fox News perpetuates the ‘insurance company bailout’ lie

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80 Billion Dollar Auto Bailout Produces Yet Another Success

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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80 Billion Dollar Auto Bailout Produces Yet Another Success

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Kerry Promises Ukraine $1 Billion Bailout (Detroit, Not So Much)

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Kerry Promises Ukraine $1 Billion Bailout (Detroit, Not So Much)

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Fannie Mae profits push taxpayers into black on housing bailout

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Fannie Mae said on Friday it would soon send the U.S. Treasury $ 7.2 billion, a profit-related dividend that makes taxpayers whole for the 2008 bailout of the mortgage-financing giant and its sibling company Freddie Mac.

Reuters: Top News

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Fannie Mae profits push taxpayers into black on housing bailout

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Fannie Mae profits push taxpayers into black on housing bailout

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Fannie Mae said on Friday it would soon send the U.S. Treasury $ 7.2 billion, a profit-related dividend that makes taxpayers whole for the 2008 bailout of the mortgage-financing giant and its sibling company Freddie Mac.

Reuters: Top News

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Fannie Mae profits push taxpayers into black on housing bailout

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Krauthammer: GOP Missed Opportunity To Tie Debt Ceiling Increase To Prohibiting Obamacare Insurer Bailout

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CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Look, if you are not holding any cards, you you fold, and Boehner held no cards. I think they made a mistake. I think there was an opportunity to actually push a single issue and that is the bailout of the insurance…
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Krauthammer: GOP Missed Opportunity To Tie Debt Ceiling Increase To Prohibiting Obamacare Insurer Bailout

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“Special Report” Panel Weighs Potential A “Healthcare Law Bailout”

“Special Report” Panel Weighs Potential A “Healthcare Law Bailout”

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

Tucker Carlson, George Will, and Julie Pace discuss. 

RealClearPolitics Video Log

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“Special Report” Panel Weighs Potential A “Healthcare Law Bailout”

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Tucker Carlson On Obamacare Bailout: “There Is No Other Option”

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TUCKER CARLSON: It looks inevitable. I mean, the numbers you just put up were bad, but I think they’re even worse. Reuters has a nightly tracking poll of Americans trying to figure out who is signing up exactly. What they found out is the…
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Tucker Carlson On Obamacare Bailout: “There Is No Other Option”

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