Tag Archives: Wilson

The War On Drugs!!! The Errors and Downside Of This Campaign!!!

A lot is to be said on the controversial War On Drugs. Plenty of pros! Plenty of cons!
This particular article I am about to share looks at the downside to such a battle.
Innocent victims of the War On Drugs are listed along with the build up to investigation and where it went wrong!
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The War On Drugs!!! The Errors and Downside Of This Campaign!!!

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Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson: Poverty Grinds Down LGBT Equality

Marriage equality is on a roll, while at the same time our freedoms and economic well being are more at risk than ever. But how can we be at risk after such an amazing year? The Supreme Court struck down both DOMA…
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Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson: Poverty Grinds Down LGBT Equality

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My pilgrimage to Wilson Pickett’s grave

IT WASN’T UNTIL my toddler played King Kong with a metal casket gurney that it hit me: mausoleums are not made for field trips.
I had promised my eighteen-month old, Walter, we’d be on our way right after paying respects to soul music’s most passionate voice and…
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My pilgrimage to Wilson Pickett’s grave

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