Tag Archives: United States Senate

VIDEO: Congress To Hold Hearing On ‘Cuban Twitter’


Congress announced that they will hold hearings next week following revelations that a U.S. government agency secretly created a Cuban Twitter communications network, while Cuban officials condemned the program and asked the U.S. to cease illegal and covert operations on the island. Cuban users…
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VIDEO: Congress To Hold Hearing On ‘Cuban Twitter’

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VIDEO: Senate Democrats Aim Ire At Rich, Obscure Brothers

Democratic Senate candidates are gambling they can turn voters against two obscure billionaire brothers who are funding attacks on them and the president’s health care law. Democrats are denouncing Charles and David Koch, two of world’s richest people. The pair’s political…
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VIDEO: Senate Democrats Aim Ire At Rich, Obscure Brothers

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VIDEO: Senate Backers Fight To Keep Jobless Aid Extension Alive


The Senate is scheduled to take a test vote Monday on a temporary extension of unemployment benefits to over one million jobless Americans, but backers of the measure may not have enough support to bring the bill to the floor for debate. The three-month extension, sponsored by Democrat Jack…
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VIDEO: Senate Backers Fight To Keep Jobless Aid Extension Alive

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VIDEO: U.S. Senate Sets Monday Vote On Janet Yellen To Head Fed


According to a Senate Democratic leadership aide, The U.S. Senate has set a Monday vote on President Barack Obama’s choice of Janet Yellen to chair the Federal Reserve and replace Ben Bernanke. The Senate is expected to vote at around 5:30 p.m. EST (2230 GMT) Monday on Yellen, who…
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VIDEO: U.S. Senate Sets Monday Vote On Janet Yellen To Head Fed

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VIDEO: The Foreign Bureau: WSJ’s Global News Update

U.S. Senators rally protesters in Ukraine, and Nelson Mandela’s hometown faces a future without its favorite son. The Foreign Bureau tracks the top world news stories of the day. Photo: Getty

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VIDEO: The Foreign Bureau: WSJ’s Global News Update

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VIDEO: The Foreign Bureau: WSJ’s Global News Update


U.S. Senators rally protesters in Ukraine, and Nelson Mandela’s hometown faces a future without its favorite son. The Foreign Bureau tracks the top world news stories of the day. Photo: Getty

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VIDEO: The Foreign Bureau: WSJ’s Global News Update

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VIDEO: U.S. Senators Rally Ukraine Protesters


U.S. Senators John McCain and Chris Murphy appeared in Ukraine to rally pro-EU protesters, and to warn government officials against using violence to disperse them. Via The Foreign Bureau, WSJ’s global news update. Photo: AP

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VIDEO: U.S. Senators Rally Ukraine Protesters

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VIDEO: Senator McCain Meets Ukrainian Protest Leaders Amid Rival Rallies


U.S. Senator John McCain met Ukrainian opposition leaders in Kiev on Saturday and voiced support for protesters camped out for weeks in the capital, a move sure to anger Moscow for what it sees as Western meddling in its backyard.

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VIDEO: Senator McCain Meets Ukrainian Protest Leaders Amid Rival Rallies

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VIDEO: Biden Begins Week-long Asia Trip


Vice President Biden is in Tokyo, starting a week-long trip to Japan, China and South Korea. In addition to U.S. relations with Asia, Biden will also work with the three nations on disputes they’re having with each other. After landing Monday in Japan, Biden was greeted by new U.S….
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VIDEO: Biden Begins Week-long Asia Trip

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VIDEO: Obama To Give Senate Leaders Update On Iran Talks

President Barack Obama will meet with Senate leaders from both parties on Tuesday ahead of international talks this week on Iran’s nuclear program and as senators consider legislation to impose new sanctions on Tehran, the White House said. “Tomorrow at the White House, the…
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VIDEO: Obama To Give Senate Leaders Update On Iran Talks

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