Tag Archives: unAmerican

10 Tough Truths From Harry Reid About The Kochs’ Lies, Propaganda and Radical Un-American Agenda

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10 Tough Truths From Harry Reid About The Kochs’ Lies, Propaganda and Radical Un-American Agenda

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Reps. Elijah Cummings vs. Darrell Issa at IRS Hearing: This is “Absolutely Un-American”

New York Daily News: A tense exchange between House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.) took place during a Wednesday hearing questioning former IRS official Lois Lerner, who pleaded the Fifth, after Issa adjourned the hearing before…
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Reps. Elijah Cummings vs. Darrell Issa at IRS Hearing: This is “Absolutely Un-American”

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Schools That Turn Students into Outcasts Are Unamerican

Nat Hentoff
Former Chief Judge of New York State Judith S. Kaye always makes necessary sense, as she did when she recently wrote this in the opinion pages of The New York Times:
“As universal pre-K and the Common Core standards dominate the headlines, we cannot overlook a third subject that d…
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Schools That Turn Students into Outcasts Are Unamerican

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Sen. Reid: The Koch Brothers Are “Un-American”

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SEN. HARRY REID: What is going on with these two brothers who made billions of dollars last year in an attempt to buy our democracy is dishonest, deceptive, false and unfair. Just because you have huge amounts of money, you should not be able to…
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Sen. Reid: The Koch Brothers Are “Un-American”

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Patriot Act Author Slams NSA’s ‘Overbroad’ Interpretation Of Legislation: Excessive And Un-American

6/6/13 – Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) penned a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Thursday in response to the “overbroad interpretation” of the Patri…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Patriot Act Author Slams NSA’s ‘Overbroad’ Interpretation Of Legislation: Excessive And Un-American

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

“On Friday, the Fox & Friends crew relished in taking on Al Gore for selling Current TV to Al Jazeera. Guest Stuart Varney took apart the various hypocrisies…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

“On Friday, the Fox & Friends crew relished in taking on Al Gore for selling Current TV to Al Jazeera. Guest Stuart Varney took apart the various hypocrisies…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Hypocrites? Fox News’ ‘Un-American’ Ownership

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Hartmann: The USA – Patriot Act Ten Years Later – UnPatriotic & UnAmerican

Susan Herman, ACLU joins Thom Hartmann. Today is the tenth anniversary of President George W. Bush signing into law the PATRIOT Act. So…Happy Birthday to e…

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Hartmann: The USA – Patriot Act Ten Years Later – UnPatriotic & UnAmerican

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My very un-American Halloween

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My very un-American Halloween

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