Tag Archives: this week

VIDEO: #ICYMI: World Tour


From a PSA in Afghanistan that resembles Rock the Vote, to a daredevil leaping off the Great Wall of China, here are five must-see videos from around the world you might have missed this week.

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VIDEO: #ICYMI: World Tour

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The President Isn’t Sitting Still

Today, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer sent the following message to the White House email list, detailing the actions President Obama will take this week to make sure that 2014 is a year of action.
Didn’t get the email? Join millions of other Americans and make sure you’re …
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The President Isn’t Sitting Still

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The President Isn’t Sitting Still

Today, White House Senior Advisor Dan Pfeiffer sent the following message to the White House email list, detailing the actions President Obama will take this week to make sure that 2014 is a year of action.
Didn’t get the email? Join millions of other Americans and make sure you’re …
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The President Isn’t Sitting Still

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Nugent sorry for ‘mongrel’ remark


Controversial rocker Ted Nugent said his remarks calling President Barack Obama a “subhuman mongrel” crossed the line on Friday, after his campaign appearance with Texas’s Republican gubernatorial hopeful caused a stir.
Nugent was asked by conservative radio host Ben Ferguson on his show if he …
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Nugent sorry for ‘mongrel’ remark

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VIDEO: What Is China’s New Citizens Movement?


A trial this week of three activists from China’s New Citizens Movement is seen as a test of how hard a line Chinese authorities plan to take with a group pushing for greater rule of law. The WSJ’s Jake Lee speaks with Josh Chin about the movement.

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VIDEO: What Is China’s New Citizens Movement?

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