Tag Archives: Surprised

Billion Dollar Bet Sets Off Corruption At All Levels – Surprised?

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Billion Dollar Bet Sets Off Corruption At All Levels – Surprised?

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Attkisson: ‘People Would Be Surprised At Level Of Cooperation Reporters Have With Politicians’…

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Attkisson: ‘People Would Be Surprised At Level Of Cooperation Reporters Have With Politicians’…

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Former German chancellor surprised that NSA continued to spy on Merkel

Published time: February 14, 2014 18:52

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder of German social democratic (SPD) (AFP Photo / Patrik Stollarz)

The former chancellor of Germany now says he was surprised to hear that the United States National Security Agency, or NSA, spied on his…
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Former German chancellor surprised that NSA continued to spy on Merkel

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Is Anyone Really Surprised That the System is On the Brink Again?

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Is Anyone Really Surprised That the System is On the Brink Again?

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Rep. Rogers “Surprised” By Boehner’s Decision To Reform Immigration In Piecemeal Process

Chairman Mike Rogers (R-Mich.) told Laura Ingraham he was “surprised” by Speaker Boehner’s announcement that he supports the step-by-step approach to immigration reform. Chairman Rogers explained that Boehner’s decision to endorse passing immigration reform with this Congress ignores the lessons…
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Rep. Rogers “Surprised” By Boehner’s Decision To Reform Immigration In Piecemeal Process

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Mark Levin: I’m Surprised That Obama And Raul Castro Didn’t Exchange Spit

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MARK LEVIN: Here we are and all this talk about the memorial for Nelson Mandela in South Africa. And Obama conducting himself in a reckless manner because that’s what he does for which he’s cheered on by the lib media. Honestly, I was…
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Mark Levin: I’m Surprised That Obama And Raul Castro Didn’t Exchange Spit

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George Zimmerman Charged With Felony Assault – Surprised?

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George Zimmerman Charged With Felony Assault – Surprised?

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Congress Acting Surprised By NSA Spying Is Like a Parent Saying “I Can’t Believe You Stayed Out All Night and Got Drunk … Just Because I Left You a Keg Of Beer and a Note That Said ‘Do Whatever The F@ck You Want, For As Long As You Want!’”

by WashingtonsBlog

Classic Jon Stewart:

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The quote is right up there with the viral quote from 2009 that expanding the powers of the Federal Reserve would be like:
Like awarding a son a “bigger, faster car right after …
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Congress Acting Surprised By NSA Spying Is Like a Parent Saying “I Can’t Believe You Stayed Out All Night and Got Drunk … Just Because I Left You a Keg Of Beer and a Note That Said ‘Do Whatever The F@ck You Want, For As Long As You Want!’”

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Media Surprised By Obamacare’s Effect On Insurance Coverage Admin Explained Years Ago

Media reports suggested that it was previously unknown that some in the individual insurance market would have to seek new health care plans due to the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) regulations. In fact, the administration announced in 2010 that some insurance policies would not be…
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Media Surprised By Obamacare’s Effect On Insurance Coverage Admin Explained Years Ago

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Why Are World Leaders Acting Surprised the NSA Spies on Them?

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Why Are World Leaders Acting Surprised the NSA Spies on Them?

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