Tag Archives: ‘sovereign

Western European Banks Vulnerable to Ukrainian Sovereign Debt Crisis

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Western European Banks Vulnerable to Ukrainian Sovereign Debt Crisis

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‘Sovereign citizen’ fails to persuade judge that medieval laws give him claim to empty homes

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‘Sovereign citizen’ fails to persuade judge that medieval laws give him claim to empty homes

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Putin signs order to recognize Crimea as a sovereign independent state

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Putin signs order to recognize Crimea as a sovereign independent state

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“Sovereign citizens” sentenced in Georgia for trying to take possession of homes

The pair’s actions “were nothing but thievery and burglary” ruled Cobb Superior Court Judge A. Gregory Poole



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“Sovereign citizens” sentenced in Georgia for trying to take possession of homes

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‘Sovereign Citizens’ Extremists Making Comeback

A resurgence of the anti-government sovereign citizens movement has caught the attention of law enforcement and extremist watchdog groups, Fox News reports.
Sovereign citizens believe that the United States government is illegitimate and that people have been “hoodwinked” into…
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‘Sovereign Citizens’ Extremists Making Comeback

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VIDEO: ECB’s Draghi Kicks Back Proposals On Sovereign Debt Risk-weighting

ECB President Mario Draghi has kicked back a proposal from advisors to change the way sovereign debt is risk-weighted and asked them to do some more work on it, German weekly news magazine Spiegel reported. The euro zone’s sovereign debt crisis has highlighted the dangers of banks…
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VIDEO: ECB’s Draghi Kicks Back Proposals On Sovereign Debt Risk-weighting

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Police in Vegas say ‘sovereign citizen’ plot to kill officers thwarted


Fox News
LAS VEGAS –  A couple spent hundreds of hours over four months plotting to abduct, torture and kill Las Vegas police officers as a way to attract attention to their anti-authority “sovereign citizens” movement, police said.
David Allen Brutsche and Devon Campbell Newman attended…
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Police in Vegas say ‘sovereign citizen’ plot to kill officers thwarted

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