Tag Archives: Snoops

Some Balance on Press Snoops, Please

This column originally ran in the Providence Journal on November 14, 2013.
For those of us who have spent the greater part of our lives writing for newspapers and magazines, these are trying times. Big dailies are being sold at rock-bottom prices, world-renowned periodicals are permanently…
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Some Balance on Press Snoops, Please

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British Snoops to The Guardian: Nice Little Newspaper You Got. It’d Be a Shame if Something Happened to It


The GuardianThis morning, with regard to the detention of David Miranda, NSA-busting journalist Glenn Greenwald’s partner, by British authorities at London’s Heathrow airport, and the theft of his property by the same goons, I suggested that the whole infuriating incident was a…
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British Snoops to The Guardian: Nice Little Newspaper You Got. It’d Be a Shame if Something Happened to It

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