Tag Archives: Simon Constable

VIDEO: FBI Investigating High-Speed Trading


The FBI has launched a wide-ranging investigation into high-speed trading with an eye on whether some firms are acting on fast-moving market information that isn’t available to other traders. Michael Rothfeld reports. Photo: Getty Images.

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VIDEO: Loss of Flight MH370 Shows Technology’s Limits


In the annals of modern aviation, there are few precedents for a jetliner that simply vanishes. Dan Michaels examines one relatively recent example–a 727 that disappeared over Angola in 2003–and discusses the longer history of missing planes. Photo: Getty.

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VIDEO: Loss of Flight MH370 Shows Technology’s Limits

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VIDEO: Secretary of State John Kerry Has Landed in Kiev


Secretary of State John Kerry has landed in Kiev. Is there little that can be done to quell the situation? Truman National Security Project Fellow Job Henning points to the need for a new pan-European security strategy. Photo: AP.

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VIDEO: Secretary of State John Kerry Has Landed in Kiev

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VIDEO: Switzerland Freezes Viktor Yanukovych’s Assets


Update on events in Ukraine. Also, Switzerland’s cabinet Friday ordered a freeze on assets linked to ousted Ukrainian leader Viktor Yanukovych and 19 members of his entourage believed to be held in the Alpine country. Photo: Getty.

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VIDEO: Switzerland Freezes Viktor Yanukovych’s Assets

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VIDEO: Banks Warned to Watch for Yanukovych Transactions


The U.S. Treasury warned banks to watch out for the possibility that former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych might try to move stolen state assets after he bolted from Kiev over the weekend in the face of escalating opposition protests. Photo: AP

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VIDEO: Gunfire, Violence Resume in Kiev, Truce Is Broken


The heart of the Ukrainian capital plummeted into renewed violence, just hours after the government and demonstrators had reached a tentative truce to end the country’s political crisis. Photo: AP.

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VIDEO: Gunfire, Violence Resume in Kiev, Truce Is Broken

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VIDEO: U.S. Contractors Still Active in Iraq


The U.S. military is no longer on the front lines in Iraq, but thousands of contractors working for America’s biggest defense companies are still there as the Middle East nation struggles to retake control of the Sunni heartland. Photo: Getty.

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VIDEO: U.S. Contractors Still Active in Iraq

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VIDEO: What’s News: More Peacekeepers Could Be Headed to South Sudan


More peacekeepers could be headed to South Sudan as the country lurches toward civil war; changes coming to China’s one child policy; Alan Turing granted a royal pardon by Queen Elizabeth II for a 1952 conviction for homosexuality. Simon Constable reports.

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VIDEO: What’s News: More Peacekeepers Could Be Headed to South Sudan

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VIDEO: Weekend Sip: Classic Holiday Craft Beer

If there’s a beer that got the seasonal brews bandwagon rolling, says Charles Passy, it’s Anchor Brewing’s Christmas Ale. He joins Lunch Break for a sip of the craft beer that’s a classic seasonal sip.

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VIDEO: Weekend Sip: Classic Holiday Craft Beer

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VIDEO: From South Africa to Iran: Do Sanctions Work?


Sanctions have evolved since they were deployed in the 1980s to pressure South Africa. Today’s sanctions, particularly the sophisticated ability of the U.S. to unplug a target from the global finance system, are more likely to actually work. David Wessel reports. Photo: Getty.

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VIDEO: From South Africa to Iran: Do Sanctions Work?

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