Tag Archives: Senate

House shrugs off Senate jobless bill


The fate of expired unemployment benefits tied the Senate in knots for nearly four months.
The response in the House: a nonchalant shrug.
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The bill’s not high on the House agenda this week, and it won’t be much higher when the House returns from a two-week recess at the e…
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House shrugs off Senate jobless bill

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Senate votes to extend jobless benefits, faces divided House

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Democratic-led U.S. Senate passed a bill on Monday to restore expired jobless benefits for 2.4 million Americans who have been out of work for at least six months.

Reuters: Top News

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Senate votes to extend jobless benefits, faces divided House

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Senate passes unemployment insurance extension


The Senate passed an extension of unemployment insurance benefits Monday, with a bipartisan vote of 59-38.
The five Republicans who helped negotiate the measure — Susan Collins of Maine, Dean Heller of Nevada, Mark S. Kirk of Illinois, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Rob Portman of Ohio — joined …
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Senate passes unemployment insurance extension

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Senate nears passage of jobless-benefits bill

FILE – This Feb. 6, 2014 file photo shows Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I. speaking during a news conference on unemployment insurance on Capitol Hill in Washington. Capping a three-month struggle, the Senate closed in Monday on passage of election-year legislation to restore jobless benefits…
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Senate nears passage of jobless-benefits bill

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Senate poised to pass jobless aid

Monday’s vote marks an end to a nearly four month saga in the Senate. | AP Photo

The Senate is expected to pass legislation Monday evening that revives expired long-term unemployment benefits for five months, sending the bill to an uncertain future in the House.
Democrats need to m…
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Senate poised to pass jobless aid

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Senate poised to pass jobless aid

Monday’s vote marks an end to a nearly four month saga in the Senate. | AP Photo

The Senate is expected to pass legislation Monday evening that revives expired long-term unemployment benefits for five months, sending the bill to an uncertain future in the House.
Democrats need to m…
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Senate poised to pass jobless aid

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Senate leaders give floor time to vulnerable Dems

Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu and Mark Udall are all at risk in 2014. | AP Photos

Top Democrats are putting something special together for their Senate colleagues in tough races this year: a vulnerable-incumbent protection program.
At-risk senators will get to beef up their…
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Senate leaders give floor time to vulnerable Dems

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Senate leaders give floor time to vulnerable Dems

Mark Pryor, Kay Hagan, Mary Landrieu and Mark Udall are all at risk in 2014. | AP Photos

Top Democrats are putting something special together for their Senate colleagues in tough races this year: a vulnerable-incumbent protection program.
At-risk senators will get to beef up their…
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Senate leaders give floor time to vulnerable Dems

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Daily Kos Elections Senate Power Rankings: Inaugural April edition

Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC) is in one of the major races making waves.

As the election cycle continues to heat up as we head into Spring, it is time here at Daily Kos Elections to add a new feature. What you are about to peruse is our take on the Power Rankings concept.
But let’s start off by…
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Daily Kos Elections Senate Power Rankings: Inaugural April edition

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Ga. Republican senate candidate sends Obama to voicemail in new ad

When it comes to opposition to the Affordable Care Act, Rep. Jack Kingston (R-Ga.) isn’t taking any calls from President Barack Obama — literally — as the Senate hopeful explained in a new campaign ad.
In the spot, Kingston, an 11-term congressman running for the Senate, receives a phone call …
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Ga. Republican senate candidate sends Obama to voicemail in new ad

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