Tag Archives: Saudi

​Obama ignores Saudi human rights record in meeting with King Abdullah

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​Obama ignores Saudi human rights record in meeting with King Abdullah

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Obama seeks to reassure Saudi Arabia over Iran, Syria

By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland
RIYADH Fri Mar 28, 2014 9:09pm EDT

1 of 9. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama are greeted upon their arrival in Marine One for a meeting with Saudi King Abdullah at Rawdat al-Khraim (Desert Camp) near Riyadh in Saudi…
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Obama seeks to reassure Saudi Arabia over Iran, Syria

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​Ex-wife of Saudi King asks Obama to help ‘save captive daughters’

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​Ex-wife of Saudi King asks Obama to help ‘save captive daughters’

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Obama arrives in Saudi Arabia, starts talks with king

RIYADH (Reuters) – President Barack Obama, making his first visit to Saudi Arabia since 2009, began a meeting with King Abdullah on Friday that White House officials said would focus on Gulf security, Syria, Iran, Middle East peace and Egypt.

Reuters: Top News

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Obama arrives in Saudi Arabia, starts talks with king

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Obama meets with Saudi king, weighs new Syria aid


President Barack Obama meets with Saudi King Abdullah at Rawdat Khuraim, Saudi Arabia, Friday, March 28, 2014. Rawdat Khuraim is a green oasis located 62 miles northwest of the capital city of Riyadh and King Abdullah’s private desert encampment is located within Rawdat Khuraim. (AP…
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Obama meets with Saudi king, weighs new Syria aid

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Obama to get an earful from Saudis

When President Barack Obama visits Riyadh on Friday, much of his time will be spent listening patiently to the Saudis complain.
He likely won’t be able to say much to make them feel better.
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For the White House, the trip is a chance to soothe hurt feelings over a perceived l…
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Obama to get an earful from Saudis

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Rubio to Obama: How About Calling Out Saudi Arabia on Their Awful Human Rights Record?

President Obama is in Saudi Arabia today and will meet with King Abdullah about a slew of issues facing the region, prompting lawmakers like Senator Marco Rubio to ask the president to address the country’s terrible human rights record. Specifically, Rubio has asked President Obama to…
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Rubio to Obama: How About Calling Out Saudi Arabia on Their Awful Human Rights Record?

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BOMBSHELL!! 9-11 Inside Job Proof Saudi Government Involvement

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BOMBSHELL!! 9-11 Inside Job Proof Saudi Government Involvement

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Maliki: Saudi Arabia and Qatar are at war with Iraq

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Maliki: Saudi Arabia and Qatar are at war with Iraq

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America’s 25 most awkward allies

Last December, National Security Adviser Susan Rice offered a remarkably candid insight into Barack Obama’s foreign policy. “Let’s be honest,” she said, “at times … we do business with governments that do not respect the rights we hold most dear.”
American presidents have long wrestled with thi…
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America’s 25 most awkward allies

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