Tag Archives: Sanders

Vermont’s Sanders stews over post office money problems

POSTAL PROBLEMS: Sanders pushes financial ties with postal service labor unions under the rug

By Jon Street | Vermont Watchdog
BURLINGTON, Vt. — U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders says he’s worried the U.S. Postal Service is running out of cash, but he may be worried more about his own campaign cash…
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Vermont’s Sanders stews over post office money problems

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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

EXPOSE THE KOCHS: The Koch brothers fund multiple think tanks and academic centers to promote their ideology and grow their profits, a Brave New Foundation i…
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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

EXPOSE THE KOCHS: The Koch brothers fund multiple think tanks and academic centers to promote their ideology and grow their profits, a Brave New Foundation i…
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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

EXPOSE THE KOCHS: The Koch brothers fund multiple think tanks and academic centers to promote their ideology and grow their profits, a Brave New Foundation i…
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Will you help Senator Sanders expose the Koch Echo Chamber?

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Bernie Sanders: ‘I Am Prepared to Run for President of the United States’

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Bernie Sanders: ‘I Am Prepared to Run for President of the United States’

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The Construction of Ex-Cop Chris Dorner – Neil Sanders

People are taking sides in the debate surrounding Chris Dorners actions but where is the information on which people are basing their views coming from? The …
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The Construction of Ex-Cop Chris Dorner – Neil Sanders

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Michele Bachmann vs. Bernie Sanders: Obama Created War On Women

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) go head-to-head on inequality, the “war on women” and more on the Monday broadcast of CNN’s “The Situation Room.”

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Michele Bachmann vs. Bernie Sanders: Obama Created War On Women

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Bernie Sanders Exposes Koch Brothers & Thier Minions!!!!

Help Bernie Sanders protect Americans! Please make viral! To learn more about Senator Sanders, check his YouTube channel: senatorsanders.
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Bernie Sanders Exposes Koch Brothers & Thier Minions!!!!

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CBS Gives Socialist Bernie Sanders A Platform to Bash Deficit Hawk

On Sunday’s 60 Minutes, CBS’s Steve Kroft boosted the agenda of Senator Bernie Sanders, a self-identified socialist, by granting him 30 seconds of air time to attack billionaire Pete Peterson, who was featured on the November 17, 2013 edition of the news program. However, this…
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CBS Gives Socialist Bernie Sanders A Platform to Bash Deficit Hawk

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Bernie Sanders Reveals that Koch Brothers Planned Gov Shutdown

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Bernie Sanders Reveals that Koch Brothers Planned Gov Shutdown

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