Tag Archives: Reject

Congress Should Reject Adelson’s Crony Power Play

Jerry Rogers   
Jerry Rogers is the president of Capitol Allies and the founder of its Six Degrees Project, an independent, nonpartisan effort that promotes entrepreneurship, economic growth, and free market ideals.

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Congress Should Reject Adelson’s Crony Power Play

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GOPers reject Dem immigration tactic

Jeff Denham says he wants immigration reform to go through the committee process. | AP Photo

House Democrats haven’t launched a discharge petition on immigration just yet, but reform-friendly Republicans are already rejecting the idea.
Three House Republicans who have endorsed the D…
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GOPers reject Dem immigration tactic

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Republican-Funded, Anti-Labor Campaign Succeeds in Tennessee as Volkswagen Workers Reject UAW Union


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

NERMEEN SHAIKH: We turn now to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where employees at a Volkswagen plant have rejected membership in the United Auto Workers union, or UAW. In a blow to organized labor,…
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Republican-Funded, Anti-Labor Campaign Succeeds in Tennessee as Volkswagen Workers Reject UAW Union

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Tennessee Volkswagen Workers Reject UAW Representation

Workers at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga, Tenn. have rejected a plan by the United Auto Workers to have the pant unionized.
The vote — by 712 votes to 626 — comes after increasing lobbying by the union on one side and Republicans led by Tennessee Sen. Bob Corker on the other.
The 53 per…
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Tennessee Volkswagen Workers Reject UAW Representation

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Volkswagen workers reject UAW


Volkswagen workers in Chattanooga, Tenn., have rejected the United Auto Workers, shooting down the union’s hopes of securing a foothold at a foreign-owned auto plant in the South.
The vote was 712 to 626, said the UAW, which blamed the loss on “politicians and outside special interest gro…
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Volkswagen workers reject UAW

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Kansas Senate likely to reject bill denying services to gay couples

By Kevin Murphy
KANSAS CITY, Kansas Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:59pm EST

KANSAS CITY, Kansas (Reuters) – The Kansas Senate will likely reject a bill approved by the House that would allow groups to refuse certain social services and benefits to same-sex couples on the basis of…
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Kansas Senate likely to reject bill denying services to gay couples

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Republicans Poised to Take Senate, Americans Reject Their Platform

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Republicans Poised to Take Senate, Americans Reject Their Platform

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Obama Swayed By NSA Insiders To Reject ‘Liberal Report’s’ Findings

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Obama Swayed By NSA Insiders To Reject ‘Liberal Report’s’ Findings

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Americans may reject full-time jobs thanks to Obamacare

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reported Tuesday that many middle-class Americans with full-time jobs may decide to go part-time now that, instead of their employer,  the American taxpayer is funding their health insurance.
The Obamacare exchanges offer healthcare outside of the workplace …
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Americans may reject full-time jobs thanks to Obamacare

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Vatican Surveys Find Catholics Reject Teachings On Sex, Contraception

VATICAN CITY (AP) — Surveys commissioned by the Vatican have shown that the vast majority of Catholics in Germany and Switzerland reject church teaching on contraception, sexual morality, gay unions and divorce.
The Vatican took the unusual step of commissioning the surveys ahead of a major m…
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Vatican Surveys Find Catholics Reject Teachings On Sex, Contraception

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