Tag Archives: Raul

Raul Ruiz (D-CA 36) – KeyWiki Progressive/Marxist Profiles

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Raul Ruiz (D-CA 36) – KeyWiki Progressive/Marxist Profiles

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Rep. Raúl Labrador names early contender for 2014 ‘Lie of the Year’

Less than two months into 2014, Rep. Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho) already has a contender for 2014′s “Lie of the Year.” And it comes, once again, from President Barack Obama.
Commenting on the recent findings —  or lack thereof — in the Obama administration’s investigation into the Internal Revenue…
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Rep. Raúl Labrador names early contender for 2014 ‘Lie of the Year’

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Why Did Obama Shake the Hand of My Father’s Killer, Raul Castro?

MIAMI, FL – When President Barack Obama shook hands with his Cuban counterpart, Raul Castro, at Nelson Mandela’s memorial service last week, American diplomats insisted the encounter held no significance.
“Sometimes a handshake is just a handshake,” said Roberta Jacobson, the US State Dep…
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Why Did Obama Shake the Hand of My Father’s Killer, Raul Castro?

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Mark Levin: I’m Surprised That Obama And Raul Castro Didn’t Exchange Spit

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MARK LEVIN: Here we are and all this talk about the memorial for Nelson Mandela in South Africa. And Obama conducting himself in a reckless manner because that’s what he does for which he’s cheered on by the lib media. Honestly, I was…
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Mark Levin: I’m Surprised That Obama And Raul Castro Didn’t Exchange Spit

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