Tag Archives: Poloniex

Withdrawal vulnerabilities enabled bitcoin theft from Flexcoin and Poloniex

IDG News Service – Hackers found security weaknesses that allowed them to overdraw accounts with Flexcoin and Poloniex, two websites that facilitate bitcoin transactions, and exploited them to steal bitcoins from the two services. The…
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Withdrawal vulnerabilities enabled bitcoin theft from Flexcoin and Poloniex

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Bitcoin Incentive for Fraud; Two More Exchanges Hacked: “Flexcoin” Robbed of All Online Coins; “Poloniex” Missing 12.3% of Assets

Two more bitcoin exchanges were robbed in the past few days. “Flexcoin” lost all online coins and shut its doors.   
Flexcoin admitted it did not have resources to cover 896 stolen bitcoins, worth £365,000 (about $ 608,200). Bitcoins in Flexcoin’s “cold …
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Bitcoin Incentive for Fraud; Two More Exchanges Hacked: “Flexcoin” Robbed of All Online Coins; “Poloniex” Missing 12.3% of Assets

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