Tag Archives: Politiquizz

Politiquizz: Outside Spenders and the IRS

The comment period for the Internal Revenue Service’s proposed rules changes governing 501(c)(4) politically active nonprofit groups, which closed at the end of last month, drew firm opposition from across the spectrum. Exactly 143,764 comments were submitted to the IRS — a number…
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Politiquizz: Outside Spenders and the IRS

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Politiquizz: In the Driver’s Seat

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is about to step into the chairmanship for the Senate Committee on Finance, while Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) will take his place as chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The reshuffle at the top of the ladder comes as a result of President…
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Politiquizz: In the Driver’s Seat

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Politiquizz: In the Driver’s Seat

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is about to step into the chairmanship for the Senate Committee on Finance, while Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) will take his place as chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. The reshuffle at the top of the ladder comes as a result of President…
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Politiquizz: In the Driver’s Seat

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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Food Stamp Fight

What with the holiday season’s office parties and get-togethers, it’s hard for many to avoid putting on extra pounds. For others, though, the problem is the opposite, brought on by cuts to federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Plan (SNAP) benefits, or food stamps, that took…
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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Food Stamp Fight

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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Hey, Big Spender!

If you’ve been keeping up with OpenSecrets Blog, you’ll know that we’ve been busy hunting down and combing through the 2012 tax forms filed in mid-November by some of the biggest nondisclosing political nonprofits. These outside spending groups keep our research and reporting…
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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Hey, Big Spender!

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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Leader of the PAC

Last week, OpenSecrets Blog wrote about the financial connections, or lack thereof, between the House Republican leadership and the hardcore dissidents of the Republican party.
As Week Two of the government shutdown wraps up, we thought we’d look at the contribution patterns of House…
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OpenSecrets Politiquizz: Leader of the PAC

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