Tag Archives: NYPD

The NYPD and Racism–Interview on Breaking the Set

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The NYPD and Racism–Interview on Breaking the Set

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The NYPD and Racism–Interview on Breaking the Set

Dr. Kumar was interviewed by Abby Martin on RT’s Breaking the Set news program, November, 2013 about “stop and frisk,” the NYPD’s program of spying on Muslim…
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The NYPD and Racism–Interview on Breaking the Set

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NYPD Shoots at Unarmed Man, Hits Bystanders, Charges Man With the Shooting

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NYPD Shoots at Unarmed Man, Hits Bystanders, Charges Man With the Shooting

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Departing NYPD Commissioner will have 10 officer, $1.5 mil private security force

Published time: December 05, 2013 01:56

New York Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Ray Kelly (AFP Photo / Andrew Burton)

Some New York City taxpayers are angry over the announcement that outgoing police commissioner Ray Kelly will have his own private security team slated to cost…
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Departing NYPD Commissioner will have 10 officer, $1.5 mil private security force

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Inside Occupy Wall Street Raid: Eyewitnesses Describe Arrests, Beatings As NYPD Clear Camp

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Inside Occupy Wall Street Raid: Eyewitnesses Describe Arrests, Beatings As NYPD Clear Camp

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Occupy Wall Street: NYPD raid on camp in Zuccotti park

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Occupy Wall Street: NYPD raid on camp in Zuccotti park

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Bill Bratton: ‘Very Interested’ in Return as NYPD Commissioner

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bill Bratton said Wednesday he would be “very interested” to return a head of the department under Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio.
Speaking on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Bratton said he met Tuesday with de Blasio “to talk…
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Bill Bratton: ‘Very Interested’ in Return as NYPD Commissioner

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MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O’donnell with “The Last Word”

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MSNBC on NYPD Police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O’donnell with “The Last Word”

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Life Lesson for a Civil Rights Advocate: You Can’t Fix Everything

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Life Lesson for a Civil Rights Advocate: You Can’t Fix Everything

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NYPD Forces Black Man To Rap For Them Or Be Arrested

Court documents reveal that a Brooklyn man was handcuffed for more than an hour by New York City police before they finally let him go.
Quinshon Shingles and his aunt, Donyale Kitchens, filed a federal complaint Monday against the city of New York and three police officers of the NYPD, stating…
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NYPD Forces Black Man To Rap For Them Or Be Arrested

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