Tag Archives: MSNBC’s

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Slams CNN as ‘Not What It Used to Be’

In an obvious back-handed compliment, Rachel Maddow started her eponymous Tuesday night program on MSNBC by supposedly praising the Cable News Network, which she said “once upon a time” was the “only cable news network, and they really did have a singular role in keeping people infor…
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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Slams CNN as ‘Not What It Used to Be’

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Maher Admonishes MSNBC’s Maddow Over Christie Coverage: “Is It Really That Bad?”

BILL MAHER: Last Friday was Valentine’s Day and I did a little humorous, I thought was a little humorous blog on my blog. And I said I had been in love with MSNBC, which I am still actually in love with MSNBC. But I tongue in cheek said, you know, I’m going to have to…
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Maher Admonishes MSNBC’s Maddow Over Christie Coverage: “Is It Really That Bad?”

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MSNBC’s Krystal Ball: “I Don’t Want Hillary Clinton To Run For President”

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KRYSTAL BALL: I deeply admire and respect Hillary Clinton. I think she is a great intellect with great fortitude. I think she was a strong secretary of state and a hardworking and effective senator. But I have come to a difficult realization: I…
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MSNBC’s Krystal Ball: “I Don’t Want Hillary Clinton To Run For President”

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MSNBC’s Joy Reid: O’Reilly Might As Well Have Asked Obama About His Birth Certificate

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CHRIS MATTHEWS: Beyond what the president said there which is true, the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report released last month said the attacks were likely to be put together in short order following protests in Cairo over an…
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MSNBC’s Joy Reid: O’Reilly Might As Well Have Asked Obama About His Birth Certificate

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“Red Eye” On MSNBC’s Controversial Tweet: “Haven’t They Fired Everybody?”

“Red Eye” On MSNBC’s Controversial Tweet: “Haven’t They Fired Everybody?”
Greg Gutfeld with Kirsten Haglund, John Bolton, Tom Shillue and Andy Levy. (via Johnny Dollar)

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“Red Eye” On MSNBC’s Controversial Tweet: “Haven’t They Fired Everybody?”

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Media Matters staff: Eric Boehlert On MSNBC’s Disrupt : Right-Wing Media Thrive On “Phony Outrage” Over Benghazi

Video ››› 7 hours and 55 minutes ago ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF

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National Security & Foreign Policy, Terrorism, The Presidency & White House


Eric Boehlert

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Media Matters staff: Eric Boehlert On MSNBC’s Disrupt : Right-Wing Media Thrive On “Phony Outrage” Over Benghazi

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MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson: Duck Dynasty “Part Of A White Supremacist Culture”

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GREGORY ANGELON: Everyone’s open to freedom of speech. The left can say what they like, the right can say what they like. The whole point of proposing this, what we’re calling the “Moonshine Summit,” is saying that…
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MSNBC’s Michael Eric Dyson: Duck Dynasty “Part Of A White Supremacist Culture”

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MSNBC’s Taylor: Republicans ‘Almost Single-Handedly Blew Up This Economy’

On Thursday’s PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during a discussion of Republican resistance to extending unemployment benefits, MSNBC political analyst Goldie Taylor charged that the GOP “almost single-handedly blew up this economy,” and that it was “as if” they…
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MSNBC’s Taylor: Republicans ‘Almost Single-Handedly Blew Up This Economy’

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MSNBC’s Toure: How To Shop While Black

Posted on December 24, 2013
MSNBC’s Toure: How To Shop While Black
Toure breaks down his guide to shopping for the holidays if you’re a person of color.

Posted By Ian Schwartz

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MSNBC’s Toure: How To Shop While Black

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MSNBC’s Hayes: GOPers ‘Screwing Over’ People, View ‘Poverty as Punishment’

On Thursday’s All In show, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes repeatedly used words like “screwing over” to describe Republican policies toward the poor, and claimed that Tea Partiers in Congress believe in “poverty as punishment” as he fretted over a delay in the extension…
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MSNBC’s Hayes: GOPers ‘Screwing Over’ People, View ‘Poverty as Punishment’

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