Tag Archives: Mean

Polar Vortex May Mean Harsher Allergy Season

(Newser) – It’s almost April, but doctors are predicting this winter’s polar vortex is going to be giving us trouble for a while longer—this time in the form of allergies. Most years, trees gradually pollinate throughout March and April, but Time says everything could begin pol…
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Polar Vortex May Mean Harsher Allergy Season

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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “When you’re not a white male writing about white male things then somehow your work has to mean something”

The author talks to Salon about “Americanah,” the VIDA count and whether she’s a political writer



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Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: “When you’re not a white male writing about white male things then somehow your work has to mean something”

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What do the flags in Ukraine crisis mean?

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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What do the flags in Ukraine crisis mean?

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What do the flags in Ukraine crisis mean?

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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What do the flags in Ukraine crisis mean?

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Kerry: “I Don’t Know What You Mean By The Reset”

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DAVID GREGORY: Before I get to my final question on Israel with a big meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister, coming to meet with President Obama, Marco Rubio is on this program in just a few minutes saying it’s time for the…
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Kerry: “I Don’t Know What You Mean By The Reset”

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Here’s What You Said $10.10 Would Mean for You

Last week, we asked what raising the minimum wage meant to you.
The stories you shared are a strong argument for exactly how important it is we get this done. Raising the minimum wage helps Americans young and old. It helps provide relief for those who are just scraping by, and it helps those…
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Here’s What You Said $10.10 Would Mean for You

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Here’s What You Said $10.10 Would Mean for You

Last week, we asked what raising the minimum wage meant to you.
The stories you shared are a strong argument for exactly how important it is we get this done. Raising the minimum wage helps Americans young and old. It helps provide relief for those who are just scraping by, and it helps those…
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Here’s What You Said $10.10 Would Mean for You

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2014 Elections: Just Because a Legislator Has An “R” After Their Name Doesn’t Mean They Should Be Elected

At Alternate Viewpoint, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Alternate Viewpoint and how it is used.
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2014 Elections: Just Because a Legislator Has An “R” After Their Name Doesn’t Mean They Should Be Elected

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IRS headaches mean pain for taxpayers

The IRS is swifting focus from taxpayers to large projects such as Obamacare. | AP Photo

All in a few years, Congress has saddled the Internal Revenue Service with the biggest expansion of federal benefits in a generation and a sweeping crackdown on offshore tax-dodgers, on top of…
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IRS headaches mean pain for taxpayers

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What do those squiggles on the pavement actually mean?

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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What do those squiggles on the pavement actually mean?

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