Tag Archives: major league baseball

VIDEO: Alex Rodriguez Suing MLB, Claiming ‘Witch Hunt’


Alex Rodriguez is suing Major League Baseball, claiming a “witch hunt” to force him out of the sport.

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VIDEO: Alex Rodriguez Suing MLB, Claiming ‘Witch Hunt’

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VIDEO: Yankee Fans in Chicago: Suspend A-Rod


Yankee fans in Chicago say Alex Rodriguez should be suspended for alleged violations of Major League Baseball’s drug policies. Rodriguez played his first Major League game of the season Monday night, and says he’ll appeal his pending suspension. (Aug. 6)

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VIDEO: Yankee Fans in Chicago: Suspend A-Rod

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VIDEO: Yankees angered, order more rehab for Rodriguez

Alex Rodriguez’s strained relationship with the Yankees hit another low when he kept pushing to be activated from the disabled list and New York kept pushing back. Now, the Yankees intend to discipline A-Rod for seeking a second medical opinion without their permission, a person…
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VIDEO: Yankees angered, order more rehab for Rodriguez

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VIDEO: Mariah Carey sings for Sandy relief

The pop star teams up with Major League Baseball to raise money for hurricane Sandy relief programs.

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VIDEO: Mariah Carey sings for Sandy relief

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