Tag Archives: Liquidity

Bank of England may broaden Islamic liquidity tools


By Bernardo Vizcaino
Wed Mar 26, 2014 10:25am EDT

People pass the Bank of England in the City of London January 16, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Luke MacGregor

(Reuters) – The Bank of England is studying ways to increase the number of sharia-compliant assets that Islamic…
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Bank of England may broaden Islamic liquidity tools

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Long-dated JGB yields up after liquidity operations

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 11:59pm EDT

TOKYO, Nov 1 (IFR) – Japanese government bond prices largely held steady on Friday, though longer-maturities underperformed after an auction of 300 billion yen ($ 3.1 billion) of old 20- to 40-year debt in…
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Long-dated JGB yields up after liquidity operations

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UPDATE 1-Nowotny says ECB will provide more liquidity by end of LTROs -CNBC

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 2:18am EDT

* Governing council member says it’s clear ECB will provide more liquidity

* Wants to avoid sudden shock to banking system from end of LTROs

* Sees different liquidity needs in different euro zone…
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UPDATE 1-Nowotny says ECB will provide more liquidity by end of LTROs -CNBC

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Doug Casey And Jim Rogers – Never Before In History Have All Central Banks Have Injected All Of This Liquidity Into The System

My friends at Wall St For Main Street interviewed Doug Casey and Jim Rogers early last week.
Check out their channel at:Http://Www.Youtube.Com/User/WallStFor…
Jim Rogers + Doug Casey indicate that never before in history have all central banks have injected all of this liquidity into the s…
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Doug Casey And Jim Rogers – Never Before In History Have All Central Banks Have Injected All Of This Liquidity Into The System

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