Tag Archives: Jackie Kucinich

VIDEO: How to date like a president


Love is in the air — and at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. This Valentine’s Day, Jackie Kucinich takes a look at how past First Couples have celebrated romantic occasions in Washington.

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VIDEO: How to date like a president

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VIDEO: Lawmakers say not so fast on Syria, Medicaid barely passes in Michigan, and Bill de Blasio jumps ahead


Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell’s letter to President Obama gets support from both sides of the aisle, Michigan signs on to a key Obamacare provision and the New York City public advocate emerges as the frontrunner for mayor. Highlights from today’s political headlines, all in 100…
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VIDEO: Lawmakers say not so fast on Syria, Medicaid barely passes in Michigan, and Bill de Blasio jumps ahead

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VIDEO: DOJ vs. Texas, and Bob McDonnell’s low approval ratings


Mitch McConnell ahead in a poll, Howard Dean possibly running for president, and Scott Brown not running for governor—all in 100 seconds.

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VIDEO: DOJ vs. Texas, and Bob McDonnell’s low approval ratings

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