Tag Archives: Greater China

VIDEO: Raw: Heavy Smog Shrouds Cities in China

Beijing sought to tame its infamous smog on Tuesday by preparing emergency measures such as factory shutdowns and traffic limits to kick in when air pollution levels are high. (Oct. 22)

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VIDEO: Raw: Heavy Smog Shrouds Cities in China

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VIDEO: Cage and Tarantino Attend Macau Gala Dinner

Nicolas Cage, Quentin Tarantino, Jeremy Irons and Sam Worthington are the guests of honor at the Macau Gala dinner ahead of the 10th Annual Huading Images Awards. (Oct. 7)

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VIDEO: Cage and Tarantino Attend Macau Gala Dinner

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VIDEO: Raw: Typhoon-fueled Waves Slam Southeast China

High waves slammed China’s southeast coast as hundreds of thousands of people were evacuated ahead of Typhoon Fitow. The storm is expected to make landfall Monday. (Oct. 6)

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VIDEO: Raw: Typhoon-fueled Waves Slam Southeast China

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VIDEO: Raw: Typhoon in China Forces Massive Evacuation

Typhoon Soulik has been downgraded to a storm after forcing the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people in south-east China and killed at least two in Taiwan. (July 14)

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VIDEO: Raw: Typhoon in China Forces Massive Evacuation

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth

A Chinese space capsule with three astronauts landed safely in Northern China on Wednesday, following a 15-day trip into space. (June 26)

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth


A Chinese space capsule with three astronauts landed safely in Northern China on Wednesday, following a 15-day trip into space. (June 26)

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth

A Chinese space capsule with three astronauts landed safely in Northern China on Wednesday, following a 15-day trip into space. (June 26)

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VIDEO: Raw: Chinese Space Capsule Returns to Earth

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