Tag Archives: First Look

First Look: Netflix Profiles

Netflix members can create a separate “profile” for each member of their household, who will each see a uniquely personalized experience based upon their ind…
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First Look: Netflix Profiles

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VIDEO: First Look at Nikita’s Final Season!

The end is near for Nikita, but she’s not going out without a bang! We’ve got a peek at the show’s final season and it’s not looking like happily ever after for Nikita and Michael. The final season, which will be just six episodes is being called “the final…
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VIDEO: First Look at Nikita’s Final Season!

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Matt Gertz: Politico Peek: First Look at The Benghazi Hoax

In an interview with Politico previewing Media Matters‘ new e-book The Benghazi Hoax, Media Matters founder David Brock tells Maggie Haberman that “politicizing a tragedy that results in American deaths crosses a line.” 
You can read the full article here. 

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Matt Gertz: Politico Peek: First Look at The Benghazi Hoax

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VIDEO: Entertainment News Pop

Justin Bieber Makes An Appearance On The Simpsons
‘Fast Furious’ cast roars into London vowing to keep on racing
Drake Bell Looking To Sell

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