Tag Archives: Farms

Judge rules Thai workers were exploited, physically abused on Hawaii farms

LIABLE: Motty Orian’s company, Global Horizon, has been found liable for worker abuses in EEOC case, a judge rules.

By Malia Zimmerman | Watchdog.org
HONOLULU — The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, citing a ruling by a Honolulu federal judge, said Monday a Beverly Hills-based farm…
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Judge rules Thai workers were exploited, physically abused on Hawaii farms

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Louis Farrakhan’s “Muhammad Farms” Farm Bill Recipient: Pete Santilli Episode #650

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Louis Farrakhan’s “Muhammad Farms” Farm Bill Recipient: Pete Santilli Episode #650

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Obama: Calif. farms’ fate affects all

Obama highlighted a laundry list of spending measures intended to help California. | AP Photo

It’s not often President Barack Obama gives a speech centered on agriculture, but the three years of scorching drought in California prompted him to fly there Friday to speak to weary f…
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Obama: Calif. farms’ fate affects all

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Week in Review: Whistle-blowers, farms and bikes

By Bre Payton | Watchdog.org Virginia Bureau

WEEK IN REVIEW: Skeptics aren’t so sure about Arlington’s bike expansion plan; transparency advocates want rewards for all whistle-blowers.

Transparency, bikes and farms lead the headlines this week in the Old Dominion.
While a local farmer fought t…
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Week in Review: Whistle-blowers, farms and bikes

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Big Ag’s big lie: Factory farms, your health and the new politics of antibiotics

Every September, the Animal Health Institute, the trade group of the animal pharmaceutical industry, hosts a party on Capitol Hill called Celebrity Pet Night. The AHI describes its signature social event as a night for “members of Congress and their staff — as well as friends of the animal h…
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Big Ag’s big lie: Factory farms, your health and the new politics of antibiotics

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Farms Of The Future – Documentary [ Awesome Mind blowing Documentaries]

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Farms Of The Future – Documentary [ Awesome Mind blowing Documentaries]

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INSIGHT-In Greece, fish farms a testing ground for ecomomic revival

By Karolina Tagaris and George Georgiopoulos
SOFIKO, Greece Mon Dec 16, 2013 4:23am EST

SOFIKO, Greece Dec 16 (Reuters) – Greek fish farmer John Stephanis has a problem. Global demand for his sea bass and bream is strong. But his company Selonda Aquaculture SA is so…
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INSIGHT-In Greece, fish farms a testing ground for ecomomic revival

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Feds to Let Wind Farms Kill Bald Eagles

(AP) – The Obama administration said today it will allow some companies to kill or injure bald and golden eagles for up to 30 years without penalty, in an effort to spur development and investment in green energy while balancing its environmental consequences. The change, requested by the wind e…
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Feds to Let Wind Farms Kill Bald Eagles

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Permits Would Give Wind Farms a Pass for Killing Eagles

Wind farms would be given a pass for the incidental killing of eagles under a new Interior Department rule the White House has just finished reviewing, but would also be required to follow guidelines that assist in eagle preservation.
According to the Hill, energy companies would be extended a…
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Permits Would Give Wind Farms a Pass for Killing Eagles

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Guilty plea in bird deaths at wind farms a first

WASHINGTON (AP) — A major U.S. power company has pleaded guilty to killing eagles and other birds at two Wyoming wind farms and agreed to pay $ 1 million as part of the first enforcement of environmental laws protecting birds against wind energy facilities.
Until the settlement announced Fri…
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Guilty plea in bird deaths at wind farms a first

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