Tag Archives: expose

Gov. Documents Expose Massive Domestic Spying Operation

Prison Planet.comNovember 12, 2013
Exclusive documents obtained by Infowars from an insider government source have revealed the true origin and nature of the highly secretive ‘mesh network’ spy grid that has garnered massive media attention due to the fact that the network’s strange downtown Sea…
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Gov. Documents Expose Massive Domestic Spying Operation

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Exposé on Exxon Oil Rupture in Mayflower, AK – Jak Amico & Lauren Digioia #N3

Stream: http://NextNewsNetwork.com Facebook: http://Facebook.com/NextNewsNet Twitter: http://Twitter.com/NextNewsNet Sub: http://bit.ly/Sub-to-N3 Hashtag: #N…
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Exposé on Exxon Oil Rupture in Mayflower, AK – Jak Amico & Lauren Digioia #N3

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Matthews: GOP “Default Deniers” Expose Schisms On The Right

Many Republicans are playing down or denying what the fallout would be from a debt default. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, host of “Morning Joe,” and MSNBC analyst David Axelrod join Hardball to discuss.

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Matthews: GOP “Default Deniers” Expose Schisms On The Right

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Protesters Take Over US Trade Rep Building Expose Secret Negotiations

Washington, DC – This afternoon, September 23rd, protesters concerned about the looming Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) covered the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative with banners calling for a democratic process and a release of the treaty’s text. The group, which included members of Flu…
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Protesters Take Over US Trade Rep Building Expose Secret Negotiations

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NSA leaker says he’s in Hong Kong ‘to expose criminality’

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NSA leaker says he’s in Hong Kong ‘to expose criminality’

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