Tag Archives: Expert

China’s PE market has matured, expert says

The Chinese private equity and venture capital market has matured and become newly attractive to investors, Gong Jie, a partner at Pantheon Ventures, said on Monday.
The valuations of assets in China have been attractive and investors find it easier to access good assets, Gong said at the…
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China’s PE market has matured, expert says

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Security Expert Dietl: Hire Veterans to Guard WTC Site

Private detective and security expert Bo Dietl says he is “disgraced” that guards have been caught sleeping on the job at the construction site of the new World Trade Center building, and he would hire U.S. military veterans for the job.
“We’ve put the best security,…
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Security Expert Dietl: Hire Veterans to Guard WTC Site

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Security Expert Dietl: Hire Veterans to Guard WTC Site

Private detective and security expert Bo Dietl says he is “disgraced” that guards have been caught sleeping on the job at the construction site of the new World Trade Center building, and he would hire U.S. military veterans for the job.
“We’ve put the best security,…
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Security Expert Dietl: Hire Veterans to Guard WTC Site

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Risk Expert: GMOs Could Destroy the Global Ecosystem

by WashingtonsBlog
“Black Swan” Author Nassim Nicholas Taleb Demolishes the Claim that GMOs Are Low-Risk
Risk analyst Nassim Nicholas Taleb predicted the 2008 financial crisis, by pointing out that commonly-used risk models were wrong.  Distinguished professor of risk engineering at N…
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Risk Expert: GMOs Could Destroy the Global Ecosystem

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

Satellite company provides further details on use of Doppler calculations and ‘burst frequency offset’ to determine fate of missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 in Indian Ocean. By Charles Arthur
Charles Arthur

Technology news, comment and analysis | theguardian.com

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

Satellite company provides further details on use of Doppler calculations and ‘burst frequency offset’ to determine fate of missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 in Indian Ocean. By Charles Arthur
Charles Arthur

Technology news, comment and analysis | theguardian.com

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

Satellite company provides further details on use of Doppler calculations and ‘burst frequency offset’ to determine fate of missing Malaysian Airlines MH370 in Indian Ocean. By Charles Arthur
Charles Arthur

Technology news, comment and analysis | theguardian.com

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Airliners should broadcast location every 15 minutes, says Inmarsat expert

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Fox News legal “expert”: Hobby Lobby case is about “euthanasia and abortion”

Fox News judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano comments on the Hobby Lobby case, and is apparently very bad at his job



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Fox News legal “expert”: Hobby Lobby case is about “euthanasia and abortion”

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Oddsmaker to the Politieratti

Nate Silver, editor of 538, the online magazine of data based journalism, was once considered a bringer of empirical light and truth to a world that had, hitherto, struggled in intuitive darkness of expert opinion.  What Moneyball was to sports, his enterprise would be to politics….
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Oddsmaker to the Politieratti

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Expert: Screaming gives Pistorius ‘major problem’


Oscar Pistorius, holds his head in his hands in the dock during cross examination of a witnesses in court in Pretoria, South Africa, Tuesday, March 18, 2014. Pistorius is on trial for the murder of his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day, 2013. (AP Photo/Brendan Croft,…
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Expert: Screaming gives Pistorius ‘major problem’

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