Tag Archives: Expense

Abbreviated pundit round-up: Trade pacts at the expense of the 99%, fighting over job metrics

Joe Stiglitz at The New York Times writes—On the Wrong Side of Globalization:
The conflicting views about [trade] agreements are actually tearing at the fabric of the Democratic Party, though you wouldn’t know it from President Obama’s rhetoric. […]
Based on the leaks—and the history of arrange…
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Abbreviated pundit round-up: Trade pacts at the expense of the 99%, fighting over job metrics

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AOL CEO: ‘Obamacare Is an Additional $7.1 Million Expense For Us’

The CEO of AOL, Tim Armstrong, said on CNBC this morning that “Obamacare is an additional $ 7.1 million expense for us as a company.”

“We have to look at our benefits programs very seriously,” said Armstrong. “In the CEO chair, let me give you an example of the…
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AOL CEO: ‘Obamacare Is an Additional $7.1 Million Expense For Us’

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Morgan Stanley books $1.2 billion legal expense

NEW YORK (AP) — Morgan Stanley says its earnings fell in the fourth quarter as it was hit by legal costs.
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Morgan Stanley books $1.2 billion legal expense

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U.S. Pushing New Treaties at Expense of National Sovereignty

posted on Nov, 20 2013 @ 02:57 PM

reply to post by FyreByrd
Well, there isn’t anything there for order of precedence because the pecking order for Local, State and up to Federal are established elsewhere by the separation of powers in one example and ultimately, within the 10th…
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U.S. Pushing New Treaties at Expense of National Sovereignty

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