Tag Archives: Expanding

President Obama Speaks on Expanding Economic Opportunity for Women

March 20, 2014 | 24:53 | Public Domain
President Obama discusses his plan to expand economic opportunity for women and working families, including raising the minimum wage and expanding access to higher education for women, and ensure that when women enter the workforce they have access to the…
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President Obama Speaks on Expanding Economic Opportunity for Women

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A Down Payment on Expanding Opportunity for America’s Long-Term Unemployed

Secretary Tom Perez, Gene SperlingFebruary 21, 201402:01 PM EST

As part of his plan to build an economy where everybody who is willing to work hard and take responsibility can get ahead, President Obama is focused on doing everything we can to create new jobs here in America – while also c…
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A Down Payment on Expanding Opportunity for America’s Long-Term Unemployed

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A Down Payment on Expanding Opportunity for America’s Long-Term Unemployed

Secretary Tom Perez, Gene SperlingFebruary 21, 201402:01 PM EST

As part of his plan to build an economy where everybody who is willing to work hard and take responsibility can get ahead, President Obama is focused on doing everything we can to create new jobs here in America – while also c…
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A Down Payment on Expanding Opportunity for America’s Long-Term Unemployed

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British Taranis Stealth UCAV is Expanding Flight Envelope over Australia

Group shines a light on victim backlash in military sex assaults(0)
Three years ago, a friend and congresswoman shared a story Nancy Parrish could not forget: A former sailor was brutally raped by a colleague, denied medical care, encouraged to keep quiet and, ultimately, kicked out of the…
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British Taranis Stealth UCAV is Expanding Flight Envelope over Australia

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President Obama Speaks on Expanding College Opportunity

January 16, 2014 | 21:17 | Public Domain
The President Speaks to leaders in postsecondary education at The Event on College Opportunity. This event is dedicated to launching a plan of action for increasing college opportunity for low-income and disadvantaged students.
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President Obama Speaks on Expanding College Opportunity

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Obama To Address Expanding College Access

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama are expected to deliver remarks Thursday on expanding college opportunity, the White House said.

The President and First Lady will be accompanied by college and university presidents from across the country, in addition to other nonprofit…
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Obama To Address Expanding College Access

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Mark Levin – Amnesty Means Expanding the Welfare State

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Mark Levin – Amnesty Means Expanding the Welfare State

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Eaterwire: Dinners in the Sky; State Bird Provisions Expanding

Dinner in the Sky rendering. [Photo: Vegas Inc.]
LAS VEGAS — If having dinner while strapped to your seat and suspended 180 feet in the air is your idea of a good time, you’d best make reservations now for the “late summer” revival of Dinner in the Sky. Because…
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Eaterwire: Dinners in the Sky; State Bird Provisions Expanding

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Missile Launch Creates Weird Expanding Light Bubble in the Sky

An expanding halo of light was seen over the CFHT observatory on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea just after 03:30 local time on May 22, 2013.
Photo by CFHT/Billy Mahoney

At 3:33 a.m. on May 22, 2013 (just a few hours ago as I write this) in Hawaii, the sky was briefly lit up by a huge expanding…
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Missile Launch Creates Weird Expanding Light Bubble in the Sky

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