Tag Archives: European

News you may have missed #872

March 14, 2014 by Ian Allen

By IAN ALLEN | intelNews.org►►Analysis: US military treads lightly in Africa. America’s aim seems to be to tackle Islamist militants in the Sahel region while keeping its military presence in Africa light. Military experts say direct US military action in Africa i…
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News you may have missed #872

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Guardian editor wins top European press honor for Snowden reporting

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Guardian editor wins top European press honor for Snowden reporting

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Western European Banks Vulnerable to Ukrainian Sovereign Debt Crisis

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Western European Banks Vulnerable to Ukrainian Sovereign Debt Crisis

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New research suggests prehistoric European men and women preferred blondes

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New research suggests prehistoric European men and women preferred blondes

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European Commission warn on in-app purchases in children’s games

Consumers and children need ‘better protection’ from costly spending in ‘free’ games which include in-app purchases, warn commissioners as they start investigation. By Charles Arthur
Charles Arthur

Technology news, comment and analysis | theguardian.com
if (typeof(addthis_share) == “undefi…
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European Commission warn on in-app purchases in children’s games

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Ukraine sets European course after ouster of Yanukovich

KIEV (Reuters) – Ukraine’s interim leadership pledged to put the country back on course for European integration now Moscow-backed Viktor Yanukovich had been ousted from the presidency, while the United States warned Russia against sending in its forces.

Reuters: Top News

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Ukraine sets European course after ouster of Yanukovich

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FOCUS | Will Pope Francis Help Stop the Growth of European Fascism?

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FOCUS | Will Pope Francis Help Stop the Growth of European Fascism?

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US consulting with European partners on Ukraine


Secretary of State John Kerry, left, talks with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius before delivering a statement on the violence in Ukraine on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014, in Paris. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci, Pool)

Secretary of State John Kerry, left, talks with French Foreign Minister…
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US consulting with European partners on Ukraine

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European Union Calls Extraordinary Emergency Meeting On Ukraine


The European Union has called a rare meeting of the bloc’s 28 foreign ministers to discuss the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

European Union governments are expected to urgently agree to sanctions “against those responsible for violence and use of e…
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European Union Calls Extraordinary Emergency Meeting On Ukraine

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European Commission seizes frozen Syrian assets

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European Commission seizes frozen Syrian assets

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