Tag Archives: Enrollees

Data Shows 15-20 Percent of ACA Enrollees Haven’t Paid Premiums

Blue Cross Blue Shield has data that shows 15 to 20 percent of Americans that are signed up for Obamacare have not paid their premiums, making the actual number of sign-ups closer to 6 million.
National Journal reports that 80 to 85 percent of people who enrolled with the insurance company…
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Data Shows 15-20 Percent of ACA Enrollees Haven’t Paid Premiums

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Touting 7.1M Enrollees, Obama Says ACA “Debate Is Over”

Democrats tried Tuesday to focus their high-fives on the 7.1 million (and still counting) new enrollees for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act. That was the tally of sign-ups President Obama announced in the Rose Garden as he thanked the law’s architects and challenged its crit…
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Touting 7.1M Enrollees, Obama Says ACA “Debate Is Over”

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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

Ethan A. HuffNatural NewsMarch 21, 2014
It won’t be long before the March 31 Obamacare enrollment deadline arrives, and the latest data still show that very few people have signed up for the scheme. In fact, according to recent figures put out by the Obama administration, there have only been a…
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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

Ethan A. HuffNatural NewsMarch 21, 2014
It won’t be long before the March 31 Obamacare enrollment deadline arrives, and the latest data still show that very few people have signed up for the scheme. In fact, according to recent figures put out by the Obama administration, there have only been a…
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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

Ethan A. Huff | Less than half of the sitting government’s projected 7 million Obamacare enrollments have actually materialized.

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Nearly One Million Obamacare ‘enrollees’ Have Never Paid Any Premiums

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WH celebrates 4 million enrollees in program that forces everyone to join

Approximately 4 million people have purchased insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges, President Obama told volunteers at an Organizing for Action summit in Washington on Tuesday.
“We now have more than 4 million Americans who have signed up for quality, affordably health insurance,” Obama sai…
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WH celebrates 4 million enrollees in program that forces everyone to join

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Biden on Obamacare: We May Not Get To 7 Million Enrollees, But 5 or 6 Is “A Hell Of A Start”

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“Initially we talked about by the end of this period having seven people lined up. We may not get to seven, but we’ll get to five or six, and that’s a hell of a start,” Vice President Joe Biden told a group of people at a…
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Biden on Obamacare: We May Not Get To 7 Million Enrollees, But 5 or 6 Is “A Hell Of A Start”

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One Fifth of Obamacare Enrollees Have Not Paid Their First Premium

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One Fifth of Obamacare Enrollees Have Not Paid Their First Premium

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Carney: Unsure If All 3.3 Million Obamacare Enrollees Have Made Their Payments

JIM ACOSTA: And getting back to the enrollment numbers yesterday, there have been some reports that a significant number of consumers, enrollees, have not been making their premium payments to activate their coverage. Might that affect the actual number of enrollees? When the administration…
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Carney: Unsure If All 3.3 Million Obamacare Enrollees Have Made Their Payments

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Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor’s offices…

After overcoming website glitches and long waits to get Obamacare, some patients are now running into frustrating new roadblocks at the doctor’s office.

A month into the most sweeping changes to healthcare in half a century, people are having trouble finding doctors at all, getting…
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Obamacare enrollees hit snags at doctor’s offices…

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