Tag Archives: disrupt

False Flag Operations Exposed: New Snowden Leaks Show How Spy Agencies Disrupt & Discredit Descent

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False Flag Operations Exposed: New Snowden Leaks Show How Spy Agencies Disrupt & Discredit Descent

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

BANGKOK (Reuters) – Protesters trying to force Thailand’s prime minister from office swarmed polling stations in Bangkok on Sunday, chaining doors shut and halting advance voting in nearly all centers ahead of a disputed election next week.

Reuters: Top News

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

BANGKOK (Reuters) – Protesters trying to force Thailand’s prime minister from office swarmed polling stations in Bangkok on Sunday, chaining doors shut and halting advance voting in nearly all centers ahead of a disputed election next week.

Reuters: Top News

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

BANGKOK (Reuters) – Protesters trying to force Thailand’s prime minister from office swarmed polling stations in Bangkok on Sunday, chaining doors shut and halting advance voting in nearly all centers ahead of a disputed election next week.

Reuters: Top News

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Thai protesters disrupt early voting for disputed election

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Media Matters staff: Eric Boehlert On MSNBC’s Disrupt : Right-Wing Media Thrive On “Phony Outrage” Over Benghazi

Video ››› 7 hours and 55 minutes ago ››› MEDIA MATTERS STAFF

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National Security & Foreign Policy, Terrorism, The Presidency & White House


Eric Boehlert

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Media Matters staff: Eric Boehlert On MSNBC’s Disrupt : Right-Wing Media Thrive On “Phony Outrage” Over Benghazi

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UK tells Israel not to disrupt Iran deal as defiant Netanyahu comes under fire

Published time: November 25, 2013 20:51

Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague (L) stands next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. (Reuters / Ronen Zvulun)

Britain will “discourage” Israel from trying to undermine the nuclear deal with Iran, UK Foreign Secretary Wil…
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UK tells Israel not to disrupt Iran deal as defiant Netanyahu comes under fire

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UK tells Israel not to disrupt Iran deal as defiant Netanyahu comes under fire

Britain will “discourage” Israel from trying to undermine the nuclear deal with Iran, UK Foreign Secretary William Hague says. Israeli media criticizes PM Benjamin Netanyahu for reacting over “personal failure” as he refuses to be “bound” by the deal.Read Full Article at RT.com
RT – News

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UK tells Israel not to disrupt Iran deal as defiant Netanyahu comes under fire

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Media Matters staff: On MSNBC’s Disrupt , Eric Boehlert Explains Right-Wing Media’s Attempts To Sabotage The Obama Administration

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Media Matters for America

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Media Matters staff: On MSNBC’s Disrupt , Eric Boehlert Explains Right-Wing Media’s Attempts To Sabotage The Obama Administration

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VIDEO: Egypt increases security before pro-Morsi protests


Egyptian authorities raided the homes of Muslim Brotherhood members in an apparent attempt to disrupt the group ahead of planned mass rallies by supporters of country’s ousted president.

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VIDEO: Egypt increases security before pro-Morsi protests

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Republicans disrupt Texas state Democrat’s filibuster over abortion bill

AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) – A bid by a Texas state Democrat to block sweeping new abortion restrictions championed by Republicans ended early on Wednesday amid protests from opponents and uncertainty over whether the bill was passed before a midnight deadline.

Reuters: Top News

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Republicans disrupt Texas state Democrat’s filibuster over abortion bill

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