Tag Archives: democrat

VIDEO: 2016 Election Will Hinge on Foreign Affairs

The crisis in Ukraine and elsewhere will put foreign policy at the forefront of the 2016 presidential election, Jerry Seib says on the News Hub. Photo: Getty Images.

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VIDEO: 2016 Election Will Hinge on Foreign Affairs

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Real Women Vote Democrat, or Do They?

“The conservative minds of the Heritage Foundation have found a way for Republicans to shrink the gender gap:
They need to persuade more women to get their MRS degrees.” So wrote the Washington Post’s Dana Milbank about a panel that featured Mollie Hemingway, Karin Agness and…
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Real Women Vote Democrat, or Do They?

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VIDEO: Supreme Court campaign finance 101: Who’s Shaun McCutcheon?

In a sweeping campaign finance decision, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down aggregate limits — or rules for how much an individual can give in one campaign cycle. So what’s the backstory of this case?

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VIDEO: Supreme Court campaign finance 101: Who’s Shaun McCutcheon?

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VIDEO: Gov. Jindal: Obamacare canceled half of plans in Louisiana | Truth Teller

Louisiana Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal has proposed an alternative to Obamacare. Here’s a look at his recent comments about the health care overhaul he made on FOX News.

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VIDEO: Gov. Jindal: Obamacare canceled half of plans in Louisiana | Truth Teller

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Bill Kristol: No Democrat Running For Reelection Believes Obamacare Is Working

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BILL KRISTOL: Yes, two things are true. No actual Democratic senator running for reelection sounds like David Plouffe. They are not saying this law is working. They’re saying, oh, my God, we can fix it. Here’s some new proposals….
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Bill Kristol: No Democrat Running For Reelection Believes Obamacare Is Working

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Lawyer in Christie Probe: I’m a Democrat

Former federal prosecutor Randy Mastro defended a probe he led that cleared Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of wrongdoing in the Bridge-gate scandal.
Mastro said he is a registered Democrat and has represented high-profile clients from both parties.
Appearing on Fox News Channel’s
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Lawyer in Christie Probe: I’m a Democrat

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Lawyer in Christie Probe: I’m a Democrat

Former federal prosecutor Randy Mastro defended a probe he led that cleared Republican New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie of wrongdoing in the Bridge-gate scandal.
Mastro said he is a registered Democrat and has represented high-profile clients from both parties.
Appearing on Fox News Channel’s
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Lawyer in Christie Probe: I’m a Democrat

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Democrat Charlotte Mayor Quits After Bribery Charge

A city spokesman says Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon has resigned effective immediately just hours after he was charged with federal public corruption and bribery.
Keith Richardson says Cannon submitted his letter Wednesday to the city manager and attorney.
The 47-year-old Cannon is accused of…
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Democrat Charlotte Mayor Quits After Bribery Charge

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VIDEO: New song destroys Democrat Feinstein for NSA hypocrisy

By Dustin Hurst│Watchdog.org
Sucks when the tables are turned, eh Sen. Diane Feinstein?
Sure, when the  National Security Agency is out spying on millions of Americans, it’s totally cool and necessary for our safety. When the NSA spies on Congress? Heads will roll, at least in Feinstein’s mind.

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VIDEO: New song destroys Democrat Feinstein for NSA hypocrisy

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After missed deadlines, ND Democrat George Sinner announces House campaign

By Rob Port | Watchdog.org North Dakota Bureau

HE’S IN: After setting and missing multiple deadlines for a campaign announcement, Democrat state Sen. George Sinner is announcing his U.S. House campaign today.

BISMARCK, N.D. — After setting and missing multiple self-imposed deadlines for a camp…
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After missed deadlines, ND Democrat George Sinner announces House campaign

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