Tag Archives: Crimea

VIDEO: 2016 Election Will Hinge on Foreign Affairs

The crisis in Ukraine and elsewhere will put foreign policy at the forefront of the 2016 presidential election, Jerry Seib says on the News Hub. Photo: Getty Images.

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VIDEO: 2016 Election Will Hinge on Foreign Affairs

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Russian diplomat to Americans on Crimea: Chill out and do some yoga

AP Photo/Fabrice Coffrini, pool

Russian officials have taken to mercifully mocking their United States colleagues for their concern over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and one high-ranking official is advising his western counterparts to accept it, move on and hit the yoga mat.
Sergei R…
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Russian diplomat to Americans on Crimea: Chill out and do some yoga

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Celente: Sanctions against Russia over Crimea are toothless

More than two dozen Russian and Crimean officials have been sanctioned with travel bans and asset freezes in the US and Europe. But, few seem to be happy wit…

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Celente: Sanctions against Russia over Crimea are toothless

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Russian ambassador says ‘Crimea is a part’ of Russia

Pro-Russian people celebrate in the central square in Sevastopol, Ukraine, late Sunday, March 16, 2014. Russian flags fluttered above jubilant crowds Sunday after residents in Crimea voted overwhelmingly to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. The United States and Europe condemned the ballot…
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Russian ambassador says ‘Crimea is a part’ of Russia

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‘She annexes your heart’: Reasons why Crimea prosecutor Poklonskaya not to be messed with

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‘She annexes your heart’: Reasons why Crimea prosecutor Poklonskaya not to be messed with

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Where a Libertarian Should Stand on Crimea


In opposing and challenging U.S. foreign policy, there is a tendency among some in the libertarian movement to excuse the crimes and misdeeds of foreign regimes that Washington sees as antagonistic. Fundamentally, I believe this represents a grave bias that has no place in the liberty…
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Where a Libertarian Should Stand on Crimea

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Where Libertarians Should Really Stand on Crimea


John Glaser’s blog post on Crimea is typically American – i.e. it is bathed in unconscious albeit ferocious nationalism.
He starts out by accusing me of excusing “the crimes and misdeeds of foreign regimes that Washington sees as antagonistic.”
The crimes of foreign governments are the respons…
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Where Libertarians Should Really Stand on Crimea

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Obama Suggests Russian Annexation of Crimea Is Worse Than Iraq Invasion


Via Charles Davis, the Washington Post reports on comments made by President Obama today:
Speaking in Brussels, Obama dismissed suggestions by Russia and its supporters that the Iraq war undercuts the United States’ credibility in criticizing Russia’s incursion into Crimea in…
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Obama Suggests Russian Annexation of Crimea Is Worse Than Iraq Invasion

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VIDEO: In Brussels, Obama Calls for NATO Members to ‘Step Up’

In a speech in Brussels, President Barack Obama said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represented a challenge to the long-held view that Europe’s borders cannot be redrawn by force, and called for greater sanctions and military preparedness. Photo: AP.

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VIDEO: In Brussels, Obama Calls for NATO Members to ‘Step Up’

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Economic cost of Crimea seizure mounts for Russia

MOSCOW/BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The economic impact of annexing Crimea from Ukraine could drive Russia into a sharp recession this year even if the West stops short of trade sanctions, the World Bank warned on Wednesday.

Reuters: Top News

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Economic cost of Crimea seizure mounts for Russia

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