Tag Archives: Chances

Have You Ever Been So Excited That You Ruined You Chances for Re-Election?

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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Have You Ever Been So Excited That You Ruined You Chances for Re-Election?

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Christie’s Presidential Chances Hurt by Bridge-gate: Polls

Bridge-gate scandal-scarred Gov. Chris Christie is holding his own with voters, but the Republican’s image as a potential presidential candidate has taken a hit, two new polls showed Wednesday.
In an NBC/Marist poll, 69 percent of those surveyed said the George Washington Bridge scandal hadn’t …
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Christie’s Presidential Chances Hurt by Bridge-gate: Polls

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Christie’s 2016 chances ultimately won’t be hurt by ‘Bridgegate’

It’s been an admittedly rough 48 hours for New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in the wake of the “Bridgegate” scandal. As a result, many people have begun to question whether he is qualified and/or ready to be considered as a front-runner in the race for President of the United States in 2016. At t…
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Christie’s 2016 chances ultimately won’t be hurt by ‘Bridgegate’

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Analysis: Time Warner Cable’s missed chances begin slide to takeover buzz

By Liana B. Baker and Ronald Grover
Thu Dec 19, 2013 6:15pm EST

A cable truck returns to a Time Warner Cable office in San Diego, California December 11, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Mike Blake

(Reuters) – By some measures, it seems hard to find fault with how Time Warner Cable…
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Analysis: Time Warner Cable’s missed chances begin slide to takeover buzz

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EU “Ayatollahs” Killing Italy’s Recovery Chances Says Italy’s Prime Minister; Italy Attempts Another “Quick Fix”

The European budget debate stepped up a notch today as Italy, Spain Warned on Budget.
After Italy rebuffed warnings about its budget, euro-area finance ministers late Friday agreed to give the country additional opportunities to show it can make savings and bolster revenue.
The tensions over…
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EU “Ayatollahs” Killing Italy’s Recovery Chances Says Italy’s Prime Minister; Italy Attempts Another “Quick Fix”

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Tightened Va. Race May Boost Both Sides’ Chances

When a new poll of Virginia voters this week found a tight gubernatorial race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli, it seemed like an outlier. For the past few weeks, surveys in the Old Dominion have shown the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee…
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Tightened Va. Race May Boost Both Sides’ Chances

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Tightened Va. Race May Boost Both Sides’ Chances

When a new poll of Virginia voters this week found a tight gubernatorial race between Democrat Terry McAuliffe and Republican Ken Cuccinelli, it seemed like an outlier. For the past few weeks, surveys in the Old Dominion have shown the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee…
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Tightened Va. Race May Boost Both Sides’ Chances

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