Tag Archives: Buries

Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

Establishment press in stunning display of spin & censorship
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comMarch 27, 2014
Turkish government officials were caught red-handed in a leaked audio tape planning a false flag terror attack as a pretext to invade Syria, but the mainstream media completely…
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Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

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Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

Establishment press in stunning display of spin & censorship
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comMarch 27, 2014
Turkish government officials were caught red-handed in a leaked audio tape planning a false flag terror attack as a pretext to invade Syria, but the mainstream media completely…
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Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

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Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

Establishment press in stunning display of spin & censorship
Paul Joseph WatsonPrison Planet.comMarch 27, 2014
Turkish government officials were caught red-handed in a leaked audio tape planning a false flag terror attack as a pretext to invade Syria, but the mainstream media completely…
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Media Buries Bombshell Admission of Turkish Government Planning False Flag Attack

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WashPost Buries D.C. Mayor’s Scandalous Fundraiser At Home of Jailed Mogul on Page C5

Washington Post Metro reporter Aaron Davis has an excellent story in today’s paper about ethically-deficient D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray (D) attending a reelection camapign fundraiser at the home of an “incarcerated real estate mogul” who is guilty of having “prey[ed] on…
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WashPost Buries D.C. Mayor’s Scandalous Fundraiser At Home of Jailed Mogul on Page C5

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The invisible island where New York buries its poor and unidentified

posted on Nov, 25 2013 @ 08:39 PM

Hart Island can be found on Google Maps, which labels the northern half of the island “Potter’s Field,” a term commonly used to refer to a place where unknown or unclaimed bodies are buried. The location is no longer accurate, and the name…
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The invisible island where New York buries its poor and unidentified

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Monday Morning Skeptic: NY Times Buries CIA Facts Re Latin American Deaths

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By Dave Lindorff on Oct 21, 2013

of Salvador Allende’s eyeglasses. Museo Historico Nacional, Santiago, Chile

EDITORIALThe New York Times has a venerable history of eliding references to any US role in overthrowing governments or murdering foreign leaders. But an article in Th…
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Monday Morning Skeptic: NY Times Buries CIA Facts Re Latin American Deaths

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