Tag Archives: BRUSSELS

Ten ways the Ukraine crisis may change the world

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – As Moscow and the West dig in for a prolonged stand-off over Russia’s annexation of Crimea, risking spillover to other former Soviet republics and beyond, here are 10 ways in which the Ukraine crisis could change attitudes and policy around the world.

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Ten ways the Ukraine crisis may change the world

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VIDEO: In Brussels, Obama Calls for NATO Members to ‘Step Up’

In a speech in Brussels, President Barack Obama said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine represented a challenge to the long-held view that Europe’s borders cannot be redrawn by force, and called for greater sanctions and military preparedness. Photo: AP.

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VIDEO: In Brussels, Obama Calls for NATO Members to ‘Step Up’

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Welcome to Brussels, Mr. President

You could say President Obama’s visit this week to Brussels is a long time coming. Three and a half years have passed since his last summit with European Union officials, and four years since he famously rebuffed invitations to attend an EU confab in Madrid—signaling something of a rebuke to a e…
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Welcome to Brussels, Mr. President

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Jacob Applebaum, Brussels 2013-09-05

In the European Parliament Civil Liberties committee hearing on USA Spying.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Jacob Applebaum, Brussels 2013-09-05

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‘United States of Europe’? Brussels should check with EU citizens first

At Alternate Viewpoint, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Alternate Viewpoint and how it is used.
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‘United States of Europe’? Brussels should check with EU citizens first

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Germans enraged as Brussels tries to control speed on autobahns

Germany makes some of the world’s fastest cars- not surprising really, when they have the world’s fastest roads. Speeds on parts of the autobahn network are dictated simply by how far you can push the pedal to the metal. Meddling EU bureaucrats want to put an end to that.

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Germans enraged as Brussels tries to control speed on autobahns

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Germans enraged as Brussels tries to control speed on autobahns

Germany makes some of the world’s fastest cars- not surprising really, when they have the world’s fastest roads. Speeds on parts of the autobahn network are dictated simply by how far you can push the pedal to the metal. Meddling EU bureaucrats want to put an end to that.

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Germans enraged as Brussels tries to control speed on autobahns

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West Wing Week: 07/12/13 or “Bring it On Brussels Sprout Wrap!”

This week, the White House hosted the second Annual Kids’ State Dinner, while the President laid out his vision for building a better, smarter, faster government, awarded the 2012 National Medals of Arts and Humanities, met with the Congressional Black and Congressional Hispanic Caucuses,…
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West Wing Week: 07/12/13 or “Bring it On Brussels Sprout Wrap!”

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VIDEO: National Security Agency Breaking News: Google CEO Denies Company’s Involvement in PRISM

Google CEO denies company’s involvement in PRISM. Internet laughs about NSA spying. U.S. surveillance revelations deepen European fears

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VIDEO: National Security Agency Breaking News: Google CEO Denies Company’s Involvement in PRISM

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Merkel To Brussels On Fiscal Union: “Nein”

Submitted by Pater Tenebrarum via Acting-Man blog,
Merkel: Let's Rather Not
A German election is drawing close and it is evident in many small things that are happening lately. The latest is that Mrs. Merkel is now apparently distancing herself from her erstwhile demands to create a…
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Merkel To Brussels On Fiscal Union: “Nein”

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