Tag Archives: Bill O’Reilly

The President and Bill O’Reilly: “Stonewalling” As Super Bowl Warm Up

Bill O’Reilly tried, about as well as anyone has, to oblige the president to respond to serious questions in a serious way, but of course the president didn’t and simply wouldn’t.
Rejecting the idea that there remain serious issues to be investigated, disclosed and discussed with regards to bot…
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The President and Bill O’Reilly: “Stonewalling” As Super Bowl Warm Up

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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

Fox News

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and President Barack Obama went back and forth for a tense 10 minutes Sunday afternoon, in a pre-Super Bowl interview that focused on the IRS, the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, and the rollout of the Affordable Care…
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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

Fox News

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and President Barack Obama went back and forth for a tense 10 minutes Sunday afternoon, in a pre-Super Bowl interview that focused on the IRS, the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, and the rollout of the Affordable Care…
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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

Fox News

Fox News’ Bill O’Reilly and President Barack Obama went back and forth for a tense 10 minutes Sunday afternoon, in a pre-Super Bowl interview that focused on the IRS, the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, and the rollout of the Affordable Care…
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Obama And Bill O’Reilly Just Had An Extremely Tense Pre-Super Bowl Interview

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VIDEO: War on Christmas? Not to most folks.


“Merry Christmas” or “Happy Holidays”? It’s turned into a political battle, but half of the Christians in America either don’t care or prefer the latter.

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VIDEO: War on Christmas? Not to most folks.

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