Tag Archives: Berkeley

Rand Paul Denounces NSA Surveillance in Fiery Speech to Berkeley Crowd

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Rand Paul Denounces NSA Surveillance in Fiery Speech to Berkeley Crowd

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Rand Paul Takes Privacy Message to Bastion of Liberalism, Berkeley California, and Gets Standing Ovation

It’s early, but I am pleased to report enthusiasm for Ran Paul is growing, and in the right places. Please consider Rand Paul gets standing ovation at Berkeley: ‘Your right to privacy is under assault’
Delivering a rare speech for a Republican at this bastion of liberalism, Kentucky Sen. Ra…
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Rand Paul Takes Privacy Message to Bastion of Liberalism, Berkeley California, and Gets Standing Ovation

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Rand Paul Addresses Berkeley: “I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Worried”

U.S. Senator Rand Paul spoke at UC Berkeley on March 19, 2014. The event was hosted by the Berkeley Forum student organization. Sen. Paul spoke about his class-action lawsuit against the Obama administration and the National Security Agency, domestic security, the NSA’s collection of…
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Rand Paul Addresses Berkeley: “I Don’t Know About You, But I’m Worried”

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Paul’s privacy push gets ears in Berkeley

Republican Sen. Rand Paul on Wednesday took his case for civil liberties to one of the most liberal enclaves in the country — and lived, politically, to tell the tale.
The Kentucky senator, who is heavily weighing a presidential bid, received a largely friendly reception at U.C Berkeley, where h…
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Paul’s privacy push gets ears in Berkeley

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Berkeley: Civil liberties vs. national security

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Berkeley: Civil liberties vs. national security

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Berkeley Copwatch Setting Precedent

Berkeley Copwatch, established in 1990 to document and deter aggressive police employee actions against those homeless, has, and continues to be, a trailblazing organization.
Knowing ones’ rights and being aware of legislation said to exist in the area was key to another group founded in…
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Berkeley Copwatch Setting Precedent

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VIDEO: Film Clip: ‘At Berkeley’

Watch a clip from the film “At Berkeley,” a documentary on UC Berkeley that shows the major aspects of university life, its intellectual and social mission, its obligation to the state and to larger ideas of higher education. (Photo: Berkeley Film Inc.)

Thanks for checking…
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VIDEO: Film Clip: ‘At Berkeley’

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VIDEO: Obama To Nominate Yellen As Bernanke Successor

WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama will nominate Federal Reserve vice chair Janet Yellen to succeed Ben Bernanke as chairman of the nation’s central bank, the White House said Tuesday. Yellen would be the first woman to head the powerful Fed, taking over at a pivotal time…
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VIDEO: Obama To Nominate Yellen As Bernanke Successor

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