Tag Archives: bears

Aleppo bears brunt of fight over fragmented Syria

(The identity of the reporter has been withheld for security reasons)

Reuters: Top News

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Aleppo bears brunt of fight over fragmented Syria

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Dollar Bears Tread Carefully, Better Tone Coming

The euro and Swiss franc rose to new highs since Q4 2011, while sterling moved to within half a cent of the best level since 2009 set in mid-February in recent days.  The market was all rife with speculation of a break out.  However, our reading of the technical and fundamental…
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Dollar Bears Tread Carefully, Better Tone Coming

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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

The GOP chicken hawks are continuing to heap praise on Vladimir Putin because of his willingness to invade other countries at will. Because you know, that’s how you prove how tough and manly you are when you’re a head of state. You can now add Sarah Palin to the chorus, as she…
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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

The GOP chicken hawks are continuing to heap praise on Vladimir Putin because of his willingness to invade other countries at will. Because you know, that’s how you prove how tough and manly you are when you’re a head of state. You can now add Sarah Palin to the chorus, as she…
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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

The GOP chicken hawks are continuing to heap praise on Vladimir Putin because of his willingness to invade other countries at will. Because you know, that’s how you prove how tough and manly you are when you’re a head of state. You can now add Sarah Palin to the chorus, as she…
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Palin: ‘Putin wrestles bears!’

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Sarah Palin: Putin Wrestles Bears; Obama Wears Mom Jeans And Bloviates

SARAH PALIN: People are looking at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates and bloviates. We are not exercising that peace through strength that only can be brought to you courtesy of the red, white and blue…
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Sarah Palin: Putin Wrestles Bears; Obama Wears Mom Jeans And Bloviates

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Anti-Sochi Behavior: ‘Cold War’ media bears roaring at Russia

The lively atmosphere in Sochi has been gradually thawing the hearts of the doubters. Still, there are some who prefer to only notice the downside, and ignor…

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Anti-Sochi Behavior: ‘Cold War’ media bears roaring at Russia

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In Tahoe, please don’t spank the bears

At Hey WTF? News, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Hey WTF? News and how it is used.Log FilesLike many other…
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In Tahoe, please don’t spank the bears

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Polar Bears, Grizzlies to Merge

At Alternate Viewpoint, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Alternate Viewpoint and how it is used.
Log Files
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Polar Bears, Grizzlies to Merge

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Bill Maher: Christopher Stevens Bears Some Of The Responsibility For Benghazi

BILL MAHER: So I noticed the Republican pushback on Bridgegate is to then mention Benghazi, to try and compare them. And I think it would be an appropriate comparison if the consulate in Benghazi had been attacked by Valerie Jarrett. But it hasn’t.
The Benghazi report came out…
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Bill Maher: Christopher Stevens Bears Some Of The Responsibility For Benghazi

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