Tag Archives: backed

Mortgage Rates Are Skyrocketing And It Is Only Going To Get Worse! Banks Are Beginning To Realize Once The Fed Is Out, There Is No Secondary Market For Mortgage Backed Securities…

The 30yr/15yr mortgage rates just spiked, almost 5% for the 30yr now. Does anybody have any idea what is going on? Seems weird it would spike suddenly like this. Anybody watch the 10yr/30yr treasury yields?
This is tied to Taper and the fact the Federal…
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Mortgage Rates Are Skyrocketing And It Is Only Going To Get Worse! Banks Are Beginning To Realize Once The Fed Is Out, There Is No Secondary Market For Mortgage Backed Securities…

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Ships backed up in Texas shipping channel closure

An oil spill clean up crew drags a boom along East Beach in Galveston, Texas, Monday, March 24, 2014. Thousands of gallons of tar-like oil spilled into the major U.S. shipping channel after a barge ran into a ship Saturday. (AP Photo/Pat Sullivan)

GALVESTON, Texas (AP) — Traffic backed up on …
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Ships backed up in Texas shipping channel closure

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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans


The conservatives who organize the annual Conservative Political Action Convention are big on touting free-market solutions and sticking to their ideals of smaller government and lower taxes. They believe that if the government would just get out of the way, enterprising entrepreneurs and…
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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans

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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans


The conservatives who organize the annual Conservative Political Action Convention are big on touting free-market solutions and sticking to their ideals of smaller government and lower taxes. They believe that if the government would just get out of the way, enterprising entrepreneurs and…
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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans

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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans


The conservatives who organize the annual Conservative Political Action Convention are big on touting free-market solutions and sticking to their ideals of smaller government and lower taxes. They believe that if the government would just get out of the way, enterprising entrepreneurs and…
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CPAC Celebrates Free-Market Entrepreneurship With CEO Whose Company Was Built On Federally Backed Loans

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Digital Currency Gets Real with New Bitcoin Alternative Backed by Gold

A new Bitcoin alternative – a math-based digital currency with which users can send and receive over the internet – is aiming to add real world value to the digital currency market by backing their digital coin with real gold and silver held in vaults around the world.
NoFiatCoin is hoping that…
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Digital Currency Gets Real with New Bitcoin Alternative Backed by Gold

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Showdown set on unemployment bill in Senate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats are scratching for votes to pass a White House-backed bill that would renew unemployment benefits that lapsed last month for the long-term jobless.
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Showdown set on unemployment bill in Senate

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Showdown set on unemployment bill in Senate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democrats are scratching for votes to pass a White House-backed bill that would renew unemployment benefits that lapsed last month for the long-term jobless.
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Showdown set on unemployment bill in Senate

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VIDEO: Erdogan Rallies Turks To Thwart ‘plot’ Against Nation’s Success

Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan urged Turks to rally around him in fighting what he termed a dirty plot by foreign-backed elements targeting “the bread on your table, the money in your pocket, the sweat of your brow”.

Thanks for checking us out. Please take a look at the rest…
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VIDEO: Erdogan Rallies Turks To Thwart ‘plot’ Against Nation’s Success

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JPMorgan, gov’t reach $13B deal on mortgage bonds

WASHINGTON (AP) — JPMorgan Chase & Co. has agreed to pay $ 13 billion in a landmark settlement and acknowledged that it misled investors about the quality of risky mortgage-backed securities ahead of the 2008 financial crisis.
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JPMorgan, gov’t reach $13B deal on mortgage bonds

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