Tag Archives: Authority

Longtime Christie ally David Samson resigns as chairman of Port Authority

A power-player in N.J. politics and Christie mentor, Samson’s connection to Bridgegate remains unclear



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Longtime Christie ally David Samson resigns as chairman of Port Authority

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Executive Order: “Obama Has Just Given Himself the Authority to Seize Your Assets”

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Executive Order: “Obama Has Just Given Himself the Authority to Seize Your Assets”

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Supreme Court expands police authority in home searches

David G. SavageL.A. TimesFebruary 26, 2014
Police officers may enter and search a home without a warrant as long as one occupant consents, even if another resident has previously objected, the Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a Los Angeles case.

The U.S. Supreme Court building was completed in…
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Supreme Court expands police authority in home searches

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Maher: U.S. Moral Authority Undercut Because We’re Not That Great Either

BILL MAHER: I watched events around the world this week and reports that came out and I must say I was thankful to be an American. Thankful I don’t live in a country where we beat up girl bands, because they try to sing a protest song or strafe civilians like they do in Syria….
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Maher: U.S. Moral Authority Undercut Because We’re Not That Great Either

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VA Catholic Bishops to AG & Courts: You Have No ‘Authority to Impose a New Definition of Marriage on Society’

(AP Photo)

(CNSNews.com) –  Because marriage between one man and one woman was established by nature itself, neither the government, the courts, nor the Democratic attorney general of Virginia have the “right or legitimate authority to alter the original design of marriage,” said the two Cath…
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VA Catholic Bishops to AG & Courts: You Have No ‘Authority to Impose a New Definition of Marriage on Society’

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Obama uses Executive Authority to “level the playing field”

These are the actual words from the White House official site!
President Obama is not waiting for Congress and is taking steps to use his executive authority to expand opportunity and level the playing field for middle-class Americans.

Conservative Daily News

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Obama uses Executive Authority to “level the playing field”

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No proof of human-to-human H7N9 transmission: health authority

BEIJING – Chinese health authorities on Wednesday reassured that no proof has been found of the H7N9 virus spreading from human to human.
Most human cases of H7N9 infection have been isolated so far, said a statement from the National Health and Family Planning Commission.
The latest cases of …
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No proof of human-to-human H7N9 transmission: health authority

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Boehner, Republicans Warn Obama Not to Exceed Authority

House Speaker John Boehner says President Barack Obama likely has the authority to raise the minimum wage for new federal contract workers. But the speaker warned against any other unilateral steps that could encroach on the Constitution.
Boehner told reporters at a Capitol Hill news…
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Boehner, Republicans Warn Obama Not to Exceed Authority

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Carney: Obama “Intends To Use His Executive Authority” To “Move The Country Forward”

QUESTION: Is it fair to say the president would be focused on legislation and not executive action ff he didn’t have divided government right now?
JAY CARNEY: No. I think that would be a mistake. I think that the president would be focused on any both because any president who…
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Carney: Obama “Intends To Use His Executive Authority” To “Move The Country Forward”

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When will the Palestinian Authority clear the decks for action?

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When will the Palestinian Authority clear the decks for action?

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