Tag Archives: Assets

Morgan Stanley to sell India mutual funds assets to HDFC

MUMBAI Mon Dec 23, 2013 11:02am EST


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The corporate logo of financial firm Morgan Stanley is pictured on a building in San Diego, California September 24, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Mike Blake

MUMBAI (Reuters) – Morgan Stanley (MS.N) is…
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Morgan Stanley to sell India mutual funds assets to HDFC

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Devon to buy GeoSouthern’s Eagle Ford assets for $6 billion

Wed Nov 20, 2013 9:15am EST

(Reuters) – Devon Energy Corp (DVN.N) struck a deal to buy privately held GeoSouthern Energy’s assets in the Eagle Ford shale region of south Texas for $ 6 billion in cash.
The company said on Wednesday that the assets it is picking up in the deal have…
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Devon to buy GeoSouthern’s Eagle Ford assets for $6 billion

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WRAPUP 3-ECB, urged by OECD to buy assets, says all options on the table

Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:10pm EST

* OECD says ECB should buy bonds to counter deflation risk

* Vice-president says ECB has not discussed QE in detail

* ECB’s Praet says no deflation risk visible

* Asmussen says ECB ready to move again if inflation undershoots

By Robin…
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WRAPUP 3-ECB, urged by OECD to buy assets, says all options on the table

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Insight: Wall Street uses ‘merchant’ workaround to cling to commodity assets

By Jonathan Leff and David Sheppard
NEW YORK/LONDON Tue Nov 19, 2013 1:20am EST

Traders work just before the end of trading for the day on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, November 18, 2013.
Credit: Reuters/Lucas Jackson

NEW YORK/LONDON (Reuters) – Wall…
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Insight: Wall Street uses ‘merchant’ workaround to cling to commodity assets

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RPT-Fitch: Non-traditional properties increasing in U.S. CMBS

Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:06am EST

Nov 11 (Reuters) – (The following statement was released by the rating agency)

Traditional property types, including retail, office, multifamily, and industrial, continue to represent the majority of collateral in Fitch-rated U.S. CMBS,…
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RPT-Fitch: Non-traditional properties increasing in U.S. CMBS

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Indicted couple want assets freed to pay lawyers

WASHINGTON (AP) — The best thing Howard Srebnick had going for him at the Supreme Court Wednesday was that he was trying to persuade nine very good lawyers in black robes about the importance of being able to hire a good lawyer.
Miami-based Srebnick was representing a New York couple who hav…
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Indicted couple want assets freed to pay lawyers

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Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe Reelected – ZANU-PF Calls for Trillions in Mining and Foreign Assets to Be Turned Over to Zimbabweans

Although official vote totals in the July 31 election are still coming in, the people of Zimbabwe voted overwhelmingly to reelect President Robert Mugabe to another five-year term. Mugabe’s party, the Zimbabwe African National Union – Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF), also won the parliamentary…
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Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe Reelected – ZANU-PF Calls for Trillions in Mining and Foreign Assets to Be Turned Over to Zimbabweans

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Reclaiming Public Control Over Public Assets and Destructive Outsourcing

As cities and states struggle to raise revenue in a sagging economy, they have increasingly turned control of public services and assets over to for-profit corporations. But these short-term efforts to close budget gaps can have a disastrous long-term impact.
In Chicago, a Morgan…
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Reclaiming Public Control Over Public Assets and Destructive Outsourcing

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VIDEO: Sunny Side Up: Optimism Found in Consumers, Housing, Markets

Consumer confidence jumped to 76.2, up more than seven points from April. That’s the best number since February 2008.

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VIDEO: Sunny Side Up: Optimism Found in Consumers, Housing, Markets

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