Tag Archives: AntiPoverty

U.S. anti-poverty programs have failed, Republican Ryan says

By David Lawder
WASHINGTON Mon Mar 3, 2014 4:38pm EST

Senate Budget Committee chairman Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) (R) and House Budget Committee chairman Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) hold a news conference to introduce The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 at the U.S. Capitol in Washington,…
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U.S. anti-poverty programs have failed, Republican Ryan says

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Santorum: Anti-Poverty Programs Undermine US Work Ethic

Former Sen. Rick Santorum says there’s no surprise in this week’s Congressional Budget Office report that Obamacare subsidies are likely to lead more full-time wage earners to pursue part-time work.
It’s the same disincentive that most other anti-poverty programs, from food…
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Santorum: Anti-Poverty Programs Undermine US Work Ethic

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Rubio’s anti-poverty pitch


Marco Rubio pitched sweeping changes to U.S. anti-poverty programs, proposing to devolve federal programs to the states.
Calling his idea “the most fundamental change” to fighting economic hardship in 50 years, the Florida senator and prospective 2016 presidential candidate said in a hig…
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Rubio’s anti-poverty pitch

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