Tag Archives: Alliance

Teach For America’s Unspoken Alliance with the One Percent

Yves here. Teach for America is a classic example of a ploy used by wealthy right-wing interests: find reputable, well-liked left-leaning organizations that are having financial troubles, rescue them, and turn their agenda to one more to their new patrons’ liking.
By Dan Fejes, who lives in n…
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Teach For America’s Unspoken Alliance with the One Percent

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Obama and Hollande: France and the US Enjoy a Renewed Alliance

Excerpt: “Today, American and French diplomats are preparing for talks with Iran that build on the agreement that has halted progress on and rolled back key elements of the Iranian nuclear program.”
French President Francois Hollande at the Elysee presidential Palace in Paris,…
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Obama and Hollande: France and the US Enjoy a Renewed Alliance

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Dine Community Advocacy Alliance Celebrates Navajo Nation’s Passage of What is Believed to be the First “Junk Food” Tax in U.S. and Indian Country

http://b.scorecardresearch.com/b?c1=2&c2=7241469&c7=news.yahoo.com%2Fdine-community-advocacy-alliance-celebrates-navajo-nation-39-223000474.html&c5=82389252&c15=$ &cv=2.0&cj=1

Politics Press Releases News Headline – Yahoo! News

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Dine Community Advocacy Alliance Celebrates Navajo Nation’s Passage of What is Believed to be the First “Junk Food” Tax in U.S. and Indian Country

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Revealing the 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo the Entire US-Saudi Alliance — Sen. Bob Graham (2/2)

Paul Jay asks Senator Graham if a culture of “not wanting to know” was created to prevent the conspiracy from being uncovered and to protect the role of the …
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Revealing the 9/11 Conspiracy Would Undo the Entire US-Saudi Alliance — Sen. Bob Graham (2/2)

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A Saudi-Israel Alliance Against Iran?

The administration is again floating rumors of an impending nuclear agreement with Iran this weekend, leaving Israel and other nations worried about the prospect assessing their options. Given the proven lack of professionalism and incompetence of the Obama foreign-policy team and Iran’s p…
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A Saudi-Israel Alliance Against Iran?

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A Saudi-Israel Alliance Against Iran?

The administration is again floating rumors of an impending nuclear agreement with Iran this weekend, leaving Israel and other nations worried about the prospect assessing their options. Given the proven lack of professionalism and incompetence of the Obama foreign-policy team and Iran’s p…
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A Saudi-Israel Alliance Against Iran?

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Berlusconi seeks to form new alliance

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has called on his former partners in the center-right People of Freedom (PDL) party to form an alliance with him.
Addressing the supporters of his re-launched Forza Italia party in the capital Rome on Saturday, the former premier urged settlement…
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Berlusconi seeks to form new alliance

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Dark Mail Alliance co-founder: Intel agencies and Western militaries among our customers

Published time: November 03, 2013 02:42

Reuters / Pawel Kopczynski

The new ‘Dark Mail Alliance’ project being developed by Lavabit and Silent Circle to thwart online surveillance and “bring privacy back” is on track to become a success – even government, military, and intelligence ag…
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Dark Mail Alliance co-founder: Intel agencies and Western militaries among our customers

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Dark Mail Alliance ‘fighting to bring privacy back’ by reinventing email encryption

At Alternate Viewpoint, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us (See this article to learn more about Privacy Policies.). This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by Alternate Viewpoint and how it is used.
Log Files
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Dark Mail Alliance ‘fighting to bring privacy back’ by reinventing email encryption

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EU hopeful Serbia builds unexpected alliance with Emirates

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Thu Oct 31, 2013 3:18am EDT

* Serbia seeks investment beyond obvious sources

* UAE wants route into EU market before Serbia joins

* Belgrade tries to revive arms industry with UAE funding

* Abu Dhabi extends influence in turbulent…
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EU hopeful Serbia builds unexpected alliance with Emirates

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