Tag Archives: a-rod

VIDEO: Alex Rodriguez Suing MLB, Claiming ‘Witch Hunt’


Alex Rodriguez is suing Major League Baseball, claiming a “witch hunt” to force him out of the sport.

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VIDEO: Alex Rodriguez Suing MLB, Claiming ‘Witch Hunt’

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VIDEO: Did A-Rod Rat Out Ryan Braun, Francisco Cervelli?


A new report claims members of Alex Rodriguez’s inner circle leaked Biogenesis’ notes showing PED regimens for Ryan Braun and Francisco Cervelli.

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VIDEO: Did A-Rod Rat Out Ryan Braun, Francisco Cervelli?

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VIDEO: Honoring the Negro leagues

Alex Rodriguez and steroid use in baseball are making headlines today, while baseball players from the Negro leagues of the 1950s are visiting the White House. In today’s Kitchen Sink, Nia-Malika Henderson compares baseball’s era of breaking barriers with baseball’s era of…
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VIDEO: Honoring the Negro leagues

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